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the days seemed to get longer and longer as the excitement of the first week of school wears off. my life is starting to have the same repetitive feeling as it did before. it's almost like deja vu when I walk into the ice arena with ashlee. i have lived this moment at least twenty times. it's different now that I'm actually a student and not just tristian's baby sister or micheal's youngest

the warm air greets me as the two of us walk into the lobby of the arena. we are immediately met by a girl with shoulder length brown hair.

"do you mind signing a petition?"

"what for?"

"we are demanding that the board changes the demeaning warrior name and symbol."

ashlee practically rips the board out of the girl's hand, signing it before shoving it in mine, "do you know what they would change it too?"

"sadly no! our main focus as the student union is that the warrior symbol is changed as it's the most insensitive and offensive. if you would like to learn more, you can stop by our building which is located by the creative arts building. i'm Linda by the way."

"i'm natalia and this is ashlee."

"nice to meet you both! well if you have any questions don't be shy in stopping by at our building. we are always welcoming newcomers into our union!"

ashlee cuts me off, "we definitely will stop by."

ii wave goodbye to the brunette before pulling my friend away.

"nat and friends!", I hear a familiar voice yell, "we saved you a seat."

following the sound of the voice, I see rick and his hockey team. as the two of us walk closer to the stands, the loud sounds of the arena surround us.

 i take a seat next to the aisle while ash sits below me, immediately leaning on my legs.

"aren't you gonna say thank you for the seats?", xavier smirks, "we are front and center to watch them get their asses beat."

adam's smiling face immediately drops which weirdly makes my heart fall, "do you always have to be so mean? they haven't actually affected our school that much."

"they haven't?", rick scoffs, "my little brother was cut from the jv team to make room for these pansies."

scooter turns to face rick from his seat beside adam, "you don't even like your brother, riley."

"Don't matter, just one of the many reasons those pukes don't belong.", cole snarls.

the two seniors' arguments are interrupted by the crowd beginning to stand and cheer as the once ducks turned warriors skate out onto the ice.

adam almost immediately begins to clap while scooter, ash and i give small claps. only for mine and ashlee's to get louder when I see russ and dwayne. we only stand when julie skates out onto the ice to the goal. She scans the crowd right away, pointing her free hand at us. I blow her a kiss.

the team looks at me weirdly, "what? she's basically our roommate!"

tristian just gives a small smile, patting my head like I'm a dog. "don't act like you never did that with scooter."

"touche sis, touche."

Taking my eyes off my brother, I look at my best friend. she is knocked out against my leg.

I chuckle before watching my brother wave to my father who is sitting in the velvet rope box with the other eden hall board members. so, he's sitting with a bunch of rich old white people.

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