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"so do you like him?", matt thinks out loud.

this is our fifth lap around the park nearby to our dorm, before that we stopped at a payphone to tell ash where we were.

the weather was brisk and windy. i was definitely not dress for this weather as i was in shorts.

"i don't know matti, maybe."

"i see the way you look at him, you can't hide it from me. you are in denial and that's ok."

"what if he doesn't feel the same? i mean he hooked up with grace at the party a couple weeks ago!"

"i know you are scared but give him time. a lot has changed for him this month, you need to cut him some slack. he needs to find his place, just like you did."

that was how i ended up at a party. i'm officially reclaiming my title as a party girl and boy was it easy. i know i have no right to be upset at what adam did, but i can't help my feelings. so if he can mess around with other girls, then i can mess around with other boys.

no strings attached obviously.

the flash lights dance off the walls as the three of us walk into landon richmond's house. music immediately filled my ear drums and my heart began beating faster by the minute.


my ears perked up like a dog when i heard my favorite word. ash and i nearly sprinted towards the voice.

"natalia, glad you could make it!", landon greats from behind the bar. his left arm is held out, offering for me to go give him a hug. which i greatly accept. he arm is wrapped tightly around my waist as the other is pouring shots.

landon isn't as tall as adam as he stands at 6'2. very muscular build, may i add. all thanks to football, he is our star wide receiver. his brown eyes are cover by his long dark brown hair. he's genuinely attractive, just not as attractive as adam.

"you know the boys, tommy, randy and jace.", i nod my head, greeting his teammates.

"you ready for some shots, pretty ladies and lad?", jace winks as we all nod eagerly.

the light skinned boy pours us each a shot of vodka, pushing the tiny cups towards us.

"ladies first", tommy smiles.

ashlee and i clink our glasses together before downing the shots with ease.

"that's how you fucking do it!", landon says, kissing my cheek.

no butterflies, what a shame. we would look good together.

i slam my glass down, signaling for another one. instead all five of us take it at the same time, apart from matt. designated driver once again.

after a couple more, i can feel the alcohol running through my veins. my muscles loosen up and i become more careless.

"she's back, y'all", landon yells, "get on my shoulders."

the six of us make our way to the dance floor and unleash our inner selves without worries.

while scanning the crowd, i notice a familiar group of boys and a certian blue eyes piercing back at mine. they are here.

normally i would clean up my act, but i don't care anymore. their snobbish opinions don't matter to me anymore, i just want to live my life.

maybe this heart break was just what i needed?

not daring to look away from adam, i lift my cup up to my mouth, taking a sip. smirking as i lower it and begin to dance again. landon lets me down so i can begin freely moving. randy grabs my hand spinning me around, numerous times as i let out a laugh.

"shes like a fucking princess!", he exclaims, giggling to himself. ashlee grabs ahold of me as we sway to the music. she holds my hips as i giggle.

"wheres matti?", i yell.

ashlee nods her head over to him heavily making out with jace in the corner, "i don't think we will have to worry about him getting laid tonight."

we both cheer and yell his name, making him pull away smiling like a goofball.

"what are the chances, we get on the table?", ash asks.

i just nod, looking for permission from landon as it is his house, "go for it partygirl."

i squeal, kissing his cheek. dragging ashlee to the table, before hopping up, we refill our cups.

i don't care if this is cocky, but we are the queens of white girl dancing.

a crowd forms around the table, cheering us on as we drag randy onto the table. i'm guessing we look pretty stupid. two 5'8 girls and one 6'5 boy dancing on a table in the living room. but in that moment, i having as much fun as i would be having with adam.

the boy grabs both of our hands, spinning us around, as he chuckles to himself.

(i know this song came out in 2006, just ignore that lmao)

the begining beats of promiscus girl blast through the speakers are ash and i squeal.

Am I throwin' you off?


Didn't think so.

we can't help but scream the lyrics and dance impossibly harder. i know we look hot and that's enough for me. in my way, this is my way of revenge to blondie.

i want you on my team- so does everybody else

the whole party is screaming the lyrics to this song.

matti passes the blunt to ashlee, who takes a long hit.

the only people in this party who aren't right next to the table is the hockey team. all of them who came are staring at us from afar, watching over me protectively.

ash shows me the blunt, silently asking for me to take it. i peer over to my brothers who are slowly shaking their heads no. to heck with those guys! but then i see adam talking to grace with a small smile on his face.

i grab the flaming blunt out of her hand, taking a long drag until i've had enough. my movements become liquid again as i resume dancing with randy.

"natalia west. get the fuck off that table right now.", i hear a angry voice boom.


"don't make me drag you off there myself."

randy leans down and whispers, "just go. we won't move, i promise."

landon helps me off the table and my brother pulls me out the door.

"what the fuck are you thinking?"

"thinking i would like to have fun."

"you can fun in different ways other than smoking a blunt and drinking. what has gotten into you?"

"you're acting like i took ten hits. hello, i only took one."

"how many drinks?"

"more than one. i'm a teenager, it's not weird."

"you're gonna ruin my image."

i don't know if it's the alcohol talking but that hurt. for once, i thought he actually cared about me. i guess not.

"oh darn, your image. how could i? and for once i thought you were worried about me. don't worry, i wouldn't hurt it anymore."

i turn back into the party to find matti and ash, "can you take me home?"

fine line, adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now