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the first week of the year went by surprisingly fast, it's friday morning.

this evening is the first regular season hockey game for both varsity and jv. which i promised both the ducks and my brother's i would be in attendance too.

"can I please have your closet natty?", julie begs while tying a braid into her hair, "life would be so much easier."

over the past couple of days, julie, ash and i have just gotten closer. julie is always in our dorm room as her roommate is never in. she quote on quote, 'gets lonely'. if we are not in our room, you can commonly find the three of us in the back of the library attempting to study or talking about our days at school and her hockey practices. we was so proud of jules for becoming the starting goalie, and she was ecstatic. but, apparently the team isn't getting along so well with their coach. she tries to never complain about him since he was the reason for her success. 

but, what surprised me the most was when julie told me adam was moved onto varsity.i don't know what shocked me the most. that adam or my brothers didnt tell me or that a freshman  made varsity. which would explain why i haven't seen him around his group and more towards my brother. i should have put the pieces together. it's rare if varsity hangs out with anybody other than their teammates. 

julie says he has been more distant from the ducks. i tried to explain to her that when you're a member of the varsity team it's basically a requirement to always be with the team and wear your red and white letterman jacket at least during school hours. but, i couldn't tell if she was listening or not.

i sit down next to ash as she smokes god knows what, waiting for Julie to finish getting ready. 

"god, whatever that is. get it out of her, ashlee, it smells like ass. where did you even get that?"

"why, you want some?", the brunette wiggles her eyebrows, "rick's younger brother, matt. he turned to drugs when he got kicked off the hockey team."

"doesn't he play football and lacrosse though?", she shrugs

Julie slides out from behind the wardrobe, "How do I look?"

I clap as ash speaks, "perfect. you are perfect."

julie squeals and slams my wardrobe door, "time for breakfast!"

the goalie jumps onto ashlee's back, "now carry me to the food."

the whole ten minute walk to the dining hall, julie would not get off of ash. every time she would ask her to get off, she held visibly tighter to her neck and said some variation of "i need to save energy for my game tonight." so after a while ash stopped asking.

we get some weird looks from teachers and students as we pass them on the sidewalk or in the halls. as far as I can tell, that doesn't bother either of them.

we get wild eyes from julie's friends as she practically dumps her onto the chair. "finally, I can breathe. i don't think I'll ever physically and mentally recover from that."

" you have such an attitude miss banks."

we all take a seat at the long brown table, jumping right into the conversation with the out of state ducks

two hands slide around my neck and begin to lean on the chair i was sitting on. "Hello mamas, glad you decided to sit with us today. maybe I could show you some of my famous moves."

"mendoza, get off of her!", russ demands, "i swear you are getting creepier and creepier every time i see you."

"just making known that I'm interested and all."

fine line, adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now