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that nervous emotion has stayed without me through the whole day. while in class, studying with julie and connie, coffee with matt and ash. i just couldn't shake it. there was something off the entire day. it's almost six, and julie is getting ready for dinner.

"are you sure you wanna go, jules?", i can't help but worry for the ducks. this so called "tradition" has never existed before today. 

"yes, they seemed really genuine." 

"even i'm unsure of this.", ash states, "there is something off about this. the varsity team has never been this nice to the younger team."

"it will be fine.", connie counters from her seat on my bed.

the goalie shrugs before coming out from beind the wardrobe, "is this good?"

she spins around making her dark blue dress flow, and i can safely say i'm in love.

"that's my goalie!", connie cheers.

"alright, we should probably go. scooter is waiting for us downstairs with banksie."

"take this just incase something goes wrong. call us if you need anything.", i hand her my wallet.

the two girls give us quick hugs before running out the door and into the hallway.

"i don't like this one bit.", ash sighs, jumping onto her bed.

"hey! you bitch, i'm still under here!", matt yelps. i forgot he was banished under the bed, "can i come out now?"

i murmur a response before seeing the boy slide out from the floor.

"i agree. my brother has never been this nice to anybody not on his team in years.", matt shivers, laying his head on my legs, "it's unnerving."

"we have done all we could."

which is true, the three of us have consistently told our worries to the ducks but none of them seem to believe us. all brainwashed by rick's fake sincerity. 

"let's just watch a movie to get our minds of it."

standing up quickly, resulting in a small but loud yelp from the floor where matt fell, "i call choosing a movie!"

that's how we spent out night, curled up under pillows and blankets, watching clueless. much to ashlees dismay.

"how do you not like clueless? it's a god damn masterpiece!", matt shouts, earning a nod from me.

"cher is a total icon, do you see her outfits? she is who i strive to be!", i fall back dramatically onto matt.

"you're idol is somebody who basically is in love with her step brother. it's like you and adam dating.", she gags as my eyes widen, "i will say paul rudd is easy on the eyes and so is alicia silverstone."

"that we can all agree on.", matti nods, shoving me onto the floor, "pay backs a bitch, isn't it?"

ashlee jumps onto him, smacking him numerous times with a pillow, protecting my honor. 

a cold wave brushes over the three of us as the door opens. a very dirty and tired looking julie comes into view.

i'm immediately up onto my feet and wrapping my hands around the girl.

"what happened jules?", ash asks looking just as worried as i felt.

"you were right, they played us. they left us with the over $500 check and didn't even look back. i should have stayed with you.", she sighs, holding her head in her hands, "i know i shouldn't have but i used your money natty. i'm so sorry, i'll pay you back right when i get to the bank."

breathing out, i rub gently on her back, "i gave you that money for you to spend on emergencies. this was that, it's ok."

ashlee guides her to her bed where matt is sitting to let her rest, as i stay by the door.

"i'm going to go talk to the boys, i'll be back in a little bit!"

julie sits up, "don't be mad at your brother, he left us money too! tj looked truly sorry."

shaking my head, i leave my three best friends and set off to find adam. 

the campus is quiet and empty. street lamps light up the stone pathway as i wander around, looking to find those jack asses.

turning the corner, i hear two loud voices. it's charlie and adam.

"you fucking knew about this, didn't you?"

"i swear charlie, i had no idea!", adam begged.

"you think you're the shit, don't you? wearing your stupid jacket, walking around with those snobs with girls hanging onto your every move. you forgot about us, what are we not good enough for you anymore?"

"i-", adam tries to speak, only to be cut off, "well let me tell you something. your just like them, a spoiled rich asshole. you might think you're too good for us but who did nat stick with? you or us?"

my mouth is agape when i hear my name, why am i being brung into this?

the tall brunette chuckles dryly, "us. she doesn't like you and never will. why don't you fucking leave her alone and go slum it with that grace girl like you did on saturday. you lost her without even having her. next time i see her, i'm going to tell her. your chances are slim to none."

my heart drops and shatters onto the floor. i hear charlie storm off causing me to fall back into the bushes.

 "charlie, please don't!", i hear adam yell after him 

once he's far enough away, i hope out of my hiding place. debating if i should go talk to adam or not. my feet return to the path i was once on, holding back tears. 

"rosie?", i refuse to turn around, upping my pace, "please stop. i just want to talk."

my stride is broken when i pulled to a stop, "what banks? you didn't do anything."

"i just wanted to say i'm sorry, and i-"

not being able to handle it, "sorry for what, adam? we aren't dating, much less even talking. hell, we aren't even friends."

"you don't mean that."

"we aren't. charlie was right.", a single warm tear escapes from my eye, "you did nothing wrong. just go back to my brothers."

"i messed up, natalia! i lo-"

"natty? are you out here?", adam stops, glaring at my best friend. matt emerges from the darkness of the night, rushing to my side when he sees my broken state.

"what happened, doll?", matt pulls me into a tight hug, "adam, what happened?"

"nothing matti. can we just go back to the dorm?", he whisks me away.

leaving the boy who broke my heart standing there, on the verge of tears.

fine line, adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now