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it's fun right? yeah, no. maybe in the moment. feeling the liquid burn your dry throat, losing all care in the world  and control of your movements. my dream. but the after is truly heartless. hangovers, a version of hell. am I still going to drink, obviously. 

my thick blankets are sprawled over the floor as it became too hot for my body to handle. the small dorm room was lit up with colored fairy lights hung around our ceilings as ash and I lay on our beds. 

we are awoken from our daze, when our door slams open. 

"get the fuck up, you alcoholic losers.", matt yells, "boy, do we have something to tell you!"

i groan, "i regret giving you three keys to our room. worst choice in my whole entire life."

ash lifeless body mumbles, "amen to that sister."

a heavy weight is thrown on top of me, "get off you elephant."

my eyes open to see julie staring down at me, "take that back before i kick you out of my room."

my vision becomes dark again, not wanting to look at his stupid face.

"you can't kick her out of her own room, jules.", connie sighs, joining ash on her bed, "how are you doing my sweet girls?"

we both grumble a quiet response, loud enough for them to understand our mood.

"maybe you shouldn't have stayed out for four days?", her voice soothes us as she rubs ash's back, "you both look dreadfully tired."

"dreadfully, that's a big word.", matt pulls me up to make room for both him and julie to sit. my body immediately falls onto the boys lap.

"i know you guys are tired but we need to tell you what happened.", julie pouts, like a cute baby wanting some candy. how could i say no to that adorable face.

"i'll take that silence as a sign you're listening.", she inhales deeply, "ok, so it all started last night when the ducks planned a revenge prank on varsity. russ remembered the ants, the dean had in his office. we figured out a time to break in and take them. charlie had found some tubes in the science building so we put together a little project. we sent the ant's all the way into the boy's dorms. well after, dwayne tied their doors shut. you should have seen their faces. the way they fell out of the room, itching themselves."

 "don't forget about dwayne chasing cole on a horse, tying him up.", connie giggles, "oh, look at their cute little smiles."

"so they are alive!", matt taunts.

all ash does is throw one her pillows at him, hitting me in the face, "adam got all the athletic ability, didn't he?" 

"shut up."

"shut up both of you! anyways so, they challenged us to an unsupervised scrimmage at dawn. charlie, being the head ass he is accepted, and then we played them. it was obvious they were cheating and attempting to pick fights. but you should have seen who started the massive fight, charlie and adam. it was over you too! char said something that really pissed off adam and pushed him. not to mention, your brother heard and jumped him too. also, tj played super bad. like the worst, i've seen."

my head perked up from the pillow known as matthew riley. i wonder what charlie said about me that could make tristian and adam so mad. especially since adam is so level headed. my mind hopped between both boys when i realized that tristian has never had a bad game. he was gifted at the sport and that only fired his fuel to get better, to be the best.

connie interrupts, "can i say the rest? orion broke us up and gave the whole group a big talk. it lead to charlie and fulton quitting and pracically dropping out of school!"

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