Chapter III

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They entered into the nature like space .
- Thanks that time here is slow.
She reached for the mask and pulled it off , a charming face revealed itself,with clean skin colour, he had under his eyelids red painting that ran to his jaw and his fiery red hair .
She reached out for the top and took it off , blushing heavily when ,she saw his abs .
' Oh gosh ,this boy can make all women to faint and become lovesick '.
She difficulty turned him on his back and there was a ghastly wound that made her gasp in horror . It was from his left shoulder till the middle the back ,like a huge slash ,the skin was rotten and the zone was purple. Black blood was oozing,there was also a sort of worm like thing wriggling in it .
Kyra observed her disciple ,she had wore eyeglasses and was reading a novel from earth while blushing. She marked the page and flew to the spot near her disciple .
Kyra : so do you know the poison .
How could Ming not know this poison , it was one she used to wrap on her whip . Migliori poison .
- migliori poison, but I will scrap off the rotten skin .
She went on the space shelves ,looking for a peculiar box.
' Since this space has collected things ,it must have it '
She found it ,her surgery box . That box had all her operating equipment and she took a first aid kit,a basin to carry some water and an ice pouch .
She took the operating knife and cleaned it with alcohol and passed it through fire . She took a spray bottle and sprayed anesthesia on the back of the unconscious boy .
She took a bowl used in operations and placed in the scrapped off skin . She dipped into water a white piece of cloth and wrapped it on an ice pouch with the ice cubes she made .
' Now let's remove that worm like thing '.
Kyra : wait .
- Huh?
Kyra : don't ....that worm is the worm gear,it eats ups Qi then it eats up everything slowly but surely. To remove it you must make it to be asleep. Take the silver needles , inject your Qi wrapping it with plant essence .
She did as she was told ,the needles were glowing with a silver aura and green drops of plant essence were flowing , before the worm could understand,he was already paralysed and falling asleep.
She did acupuncture and black fluid started flowing through the pores , she heard a cough .
Kyra :the worm gear will soon wake ,you must expel it now .
She took a pair of and pulled out the worm ,then burned it .
Kyra : He's safe for the moment.
- yes I have to make , the blood purifying and bone cleansing pill and the antidote. Just hope I remember how to do pills .
She cleaned the back and bandaged the wound and cleaned up the face and let him rest on his back .
Kyra :really Worthy of being my disciple.
She made him drink water and placed a ice pouch on his face ,placing a blanket on him .
- For the blood purifying pill , you need ,a purification flower ,a thousand blood ginseng,water lotus seed ,seven coloured star medicinal plant . The bone cleansing pill, a Jade lotus seed, thousand Ningpo figwort , golden ginseng......

She brought out a cauldron,it was the previous one she used. She took in a deep breath before Throwing in a flame .
- I don't remember my flames being like this !.
Kyra : what is it .
- master , disciple hasn't used her powers for long , what if I....
Before she could finish her phrase, she received a bang on her head and winced .
Kyra : Stupid! Stupid ! Follow your instincts,you are a doctor,a cultivator. Be you . Listen, I know it's difficult to start a new life in your old world . But positively respond and be optimistic.

Yao Ming nodded and then confidentially threw a flame . She carefully refined each ingredient. She made rapidly two bottles of each type of pills , then the antidote was made from nine petal lotus,Jade basilic , lava star Ningpo figwort and the white three clover .

The operation took a total of two hours . She took the man's pulse a last time to confirm that he's still alive .
Kyra stood on the side ,looking at Ming with a warm gaze .
' I did well to make her travel , she's a new person,Ming you worked hard ,you learned lessons ,now you are a new person worthy of being my heir '.
Ming vanished holding the guard in her hand .
They appeared in her room , Benimaru suddenly opened his eyes and gasped for air before locking gazes with Ming.
- Uhm .... Hi,you got poisoned at my place and thank you , also you are completely healed .
Benimaru immediately kowtow infront .
Benimaru : this shadow greets mistress .
- Stand up and bring me to the ancestral courtyard, there's surely a turmoil..
Infact , Ming was right . The Yao residence was in a turmoil . Their unique miss had been kidnapped, they arrived at the Jade courtyard,they saw bodies and a bloody scene but no miss .
Everybody was in the ancestral courtyard, trembling on their legs . The Yao ancestor was angry his only granddaughter was gone ,the matriarch was crying tears of grief . Yao family never had a daughter for three hundred till Ming. Yao Shen's face was dark as abyss of hades .
A shadow came in the courtyard and quickly knelt trembling .
Yao shen : Have you found her .
There was a deep silence . Li cao got impatient.
Li Cao: speak ! Where is my granddaughter or don't blame this lady for being ruthless!.
The shadow guard trembled ,but under theses murderous gazes ,his mouth moved alone .
- We checked the whole residence, there's no single trace of the young miss .
Yao shen could no more hold it ,his anger was very high to the skies .
Yao shen : All those who were in the the Jade courtyard! Kill them!
The servants trembled how could they have resisted, they all suddenly fell asleep, without having time to give alarm. At the moment when the guards unsheathed their swords, they felt a strong energy rushing in their direction . All what they could see was and afterimage which was like a red strike .
It stopped to reveal a shadow guard ,holding in his embrace a young child ,with dark blue hairs.
Roku : This shadow guard brings the young miss , I killed all the assassins and hid the princess ,to fight those who came for the young Miss's life .
Yao Ming came down from Roku.
- Ming begs grandfather and grandmother not to kill them , they were not aware,please spare them .
Yao Shen's gazes softened his granddaughter's plead .

Finally all the servants were released from death , praising their miss for saving them .
' Young miss you are an angel from heavens '

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