XVIII: The king essence,the beauty pill .

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Hay Lin was sited on the chair,crossing her legs with her jaw in her hand, her head tilted neutral look,she had a sovereign aura.
Nightwing kneeling on one kneel Infront of her.
Hay Lin: So,what have you gotten.?
Nightwing: First ,her life is worse than that of a dog,secondly she's incapable of cultivating her powers, thirdly her mother was the celestial witch.
Hay Lin: What! That genius? Isn't she an elf ?
Nightwing: She is,one day she fell in love with Feng Jin Yan  and she bore Feng Liu,then when she was carrying Feng Yu in her womb ,her health state started degrading despite all treatments at the end three months later after Feng Yu was born she died.

Pathetic end for an expert .
Hay Lin: Let me guess Feng Yu was still used as a scapegoat. Hah~...that girl ,knowing you ,you have searched more
Nightwing: Indeed, Madam Yun messed up with the medicines to kill Feng Yu and to stop overshadow of her kids. Feng Yu has a good talent but cannot use it her Dantian has been broken , there's so much poison,she cannot even master her water element nor her wind element. She's always humiliated and used as a laughingstock for her siblings.

Hay Lin: What about Feng Luo.?
Nightwing: He's a good actor, Infront of everybody he acts as if he was loathing her but he loves her,there are some things that cannot be done when he's present, he's a little bit timid and shy. But people cannot see that part.... there's the Misty  Sect behind Madam Yun .

Hay Lin: So Feng Luo can't act that rashly,but he had never shown her any sign of love, so I still doubt her. He should at least had been honest.
Nightwing: That's all.
Hay Lin: Thank you,it has been really hard on you,you can go back to space.

Nightwing went back to space. Hay Lin snapped her fingers as the encyclopaedia appeared in her hand. She searched through and sighed.

Hay Lin went through the garden and walked,then she started harvesting leaves,herbs,roots.
Feng Yu came to her with a bandaged hand smiling.
Feng Yu: Miss,let me help you.
Hay Lin: Take this then and follow me.

Feng Yu joyously carried the basket following behind Hay Lin.
They walked till the refining room, Which was at least one hundred metres Square.
Hay Lin: Very spacious and well aerated. Feng Yu keep guard outside.
Feng Yu: Yes, Miss.
Now Hay Lin was in the storage room alone,she had changed to some new outfits and got ready.
She carefully placed the ten plants in order of arrangement and injected a little bit of spiritual force  to rejuvenate them.
Then she brought the medical encyclopedia and opened the page speaking about a special pill: The king essence.
The pills had the dark green colour of chlorophyll. A colour more darker almost to black was a poison, light colour gives less effect.
Made of nine different roots and herbs pure essence.
Used to help experts with difficulty to advance or regain their original strength due to a situation ,help in improvement and recovery. Produce 10 pills at the time.

Hay Lin closed the book and looked at the ingredients.
Hay Lin: Extract the concentrated essences carefully. Hydrokinetic.
She carefully extracted using hydrokinetics with her mental force,it took her three hours,her nose was bleeding,she grinned the roots to powder.
Ping An: Is this for Yao Shen ? You have only one on a thousand chance to refine it perfectly. This is the moment,light the fire under the cauldron,then pour at a certain time intervals the different essences into the cauldron don't forget this silver lily petals, one at a time.

It was tedious but no problem, she did it with patience while controlling the liquid mixture with her Qi, when everything was done. She closed the cauldron with its lid and then controlled the fire and the medicinal liquids which tremendously boiled,the cauldron started vibrating and shaking Hay Lin reinforced it and swallowed two replenishing pills.
Till a ‘ Kacha ’ sound resounded the cauldron flew up twirling before landing, Hay Lin slapped the cauldron and the lid opened giving out a wave of medicinal air which gave way to fifteen green jade pills.
Hay Lin: Aren't there supposed to be ten.... anyways there are perfect , master Ping An can you analyse.?

Ping An held the pill and sniffed it.
Ping An: it's a success! Yao Shen will breakthrough with this.
Hay Lin continued with refining recovery pills and beauty pill ,she was still at the intermediate, it was the level she could do.

She refined those pills plus a sleeping pill.
She opened the refining room and the smell of medicine wafted out.
She leaned and looked at the sky ,she turned her eyes to a direction , Feng Yu was 50 m from her ,but soon she saw her approaching with a platter having fresh water.
Feng Yu: Miss your throat is dry,you should try drinking water.
Hay Lin gulped down two cups of water in one go , feeling it circulating in her body and let out a satisfied heave.
Hay Lin: Go and call Qi Yun then come back.
Feng Yu: Yes Miss.

Her green eyes showed dominance, grandeur.
She went and a teacup's time she came back with Qi Yun.
Hay Lin: Distribute these pills to the other servants,each should have three pills of each type , I can trust you and Ren Chai for that. Also ask that a spare room should be prepared with a mattress , candles,bowl of water and cloths.

Qi Yun: Yes Miss.

Even if she didn't know where she was up to she trusted her.
It took one hour to complete the tasks. The servants felt glad ,the Miss valued them so much.

The spare room was prepared and a fire stove to provide heat. Feng Yu was placed in that room with Hay Lin. She was a little bit panicked. What was she up to?
Hay Lin: Since you swore eternal loyalty to me, naturally I will help you also on the fact that you are my playmate.
Feng Yu was stunned she was about to get helped...
Hay Lin: I will get rid of the poison in your body,help you advance and regain your appearance.
Feng Yu's heart had tremors ,she felt so.... nostalgic.

Hay Lin: When you want to cultivate, your whole being hurts and you pass out,you feel as if your power was absorbed and your force,you have twinkling sensations and during three days you feel heat as if you will split apart. You have a slightly noticeable foul smell no matter how much you bath.
Hay Lin was using the Jade eyes power.
Feng Yu: Yes, Miss.
Hay Lin: Swallow this pill, it's a sleeping pill,it will help you the operation is painful.
Elves are sensible to pains.  Feng Yu swallowed that pill and felt her eyelids becoming heavy before falling into sleep.

A set of golden needles came out and Hay Lin placed them on the acupuncture points carefully,soon a black liquid came out of the skin pores of Feng Yu, enough to fill half a basin,she vomited out a sort of slug,. Hay Lin picked it with a pair of tongs and looked at the struggling creatures.
Hay Lin: Never thought that the sooth slug still exists, Misty sect has interesting things.
She then blocked her meridians.

She used the Jade eyes to repair the dantian  and with her spiritual power created a thread Which helped in mending the broken meridians which helped her avoiding soul damages and destruction of the body beyond repair. When she finished she unlocked the meridians then did the most difficult for her ,help the circulation of the energy blocked in the meridians,if not Feng Yu will blow up. Tben she set out for the antidote.

The antidote was an easy pill to make by apothecaries no matter the rank and also an elixir with a sweet fragrance coming from the kalikia fruit which looks like a peach but in light pink and a bitter taste ,one of Hay Lin's beauty pills replacement ingredients.

When Feng Yu woke up ,she was clean and felt refreshed.
Feng Yu: Princess.
She raised her hair abruptly and winced at the pain. Her head hurt..
- You brisk yourself,the princess is just tired you just have ,to rest and cultivate.
She met a pair of ice blue eyes.
Feng Yu: Who.... Who are you ?
- Don't worry and you don't need to be afraid sit down slowly and cultivate. My name isn't important.
Icy disappeared from them, Feng Yu doubted but then sat down and started cultivating,she was happy.
‘ I don't feel pain, I am healed !’
Spiritual energy gathered around her like a mist of lilac colour.
Two days passed, Hay Lin too had slept during that time to recover.
The morning,the same routine and she moved in the principal hall,an angry voice erupted.
- Unfilial girl,how can you do this to your family...

Note: Yao Shen is the Ancestor,The patriarch or the grandfather is Yao Yun.
But she prefers Yao Shen who remembers her of her grandfather in her third life

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