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"Operation Auction Sweep and transport security ended successfully, under the commend of Matsuri Washu. Numerous ghouls were eradicated, strategic intel was acquired, and the male ghoul known as big madam, a CCG target for years - was successfully eradicated." Bureau chief Yoshitoko washu opened the promotion ceremony.

I was down in the crowd, watching my whole squad getting their ranks up.

"Miyuki Mikage, Mizuro Tamaki, Hanbee Abara - I promote you to rank 1 investigator. Juzo suzuya, Matsuri washu - you are promoted to the position of special investigators."

I was staring fixedly at the small investigator. To think he reached the same rank as Shinohara... at such a young age...

The only one who reached that rank before was the one and only - Kishou Arima.

"Congratulations," I say as the boys make their way down. Those official white uniforms make them look as if they were knights.

"Thank you, y/n - san." Mizuro bows.

"Just one more rank and we reach you" Miyuki chuckles.

"Now now, don't get full of yourself, Miyuki~" Juuzou pinches the boy's shoulder. Hanbee shows up with a slice of a delicious cake, and Juuzou's eyes light up immediately.

"So good" He says blissfully.

"Suzuya Squad!" I hear a voice behind and we all turn.

"Hello Haise " Juuzou says with his mouth full.

"Congratulations" He bows and looks at us with his cheerful smile.

"Likewise" Juuzou returns a smile back.

"I am having a party tonight at our place. I would be honored if you all care to join" He smiles gracefully.

"A party? Sounds great" Mizuro says happily.

"That's a very kind offer. Thank you, Sasaki - san. We'll be there"

I see Akira.

In the CCG, you would think that there wasn't discrimination in this official governmental organization.

But inequity finds it's way now and then, so having a strong bond with your female colleagues was necessary.

"Mado" I hug her, "How are you?"

"I'm good, Y/n san. Thank you. I'm pleased to see you got better"

I bite the inside of my cheek.

"Thank you, Mado-san. Congratulations on your new rank." She looked away and I tilt my head, "Are you unhappy with that?"

"I'm equal to my mother. I guess it's... a bit odd"

I nod. I wonder if Juuzou feels the same.

"I hope for now we can enjoy this peaceful phase, Mado-san" I say gratefully.

The dinner at the Quinx squad apartment was delightful. Haise sure is a good-mannered host. On our way home, I felt like Juuzou was zooming out more than usual.

"Are you okay?" I grab his shoulder gently.

His eyes were unreadable.

"I'm thinking about paying a visit to our... friend" He says in a whimsical tone.

"Mind if I join?"

The hour was so late, they didn't want to let us in. Fortunately, Juuzou knew all the ways to get to Shinohara's room without being noticed.

He stood beside the hospital bed, smiling. This once strong and independent man was connected to so many medical mechanisms it was ridiculous. Never have I thought he would end up in this condition. Juuzou questioned a lot if it was worth, being so helpless.


"I think I would rather die"

"That easily?"

"Life is more troublesome than death"

"So what are you fighting for?"

"For the choice"


He stood there for a long minute before opening his mouth.

"I did it, Shinohara san" His voice is soft, "I completed that mission you couldn't! And I protected my partner as you did"

I blink in confusion.

"You told me to protect y/n chan and I did it! We protected her...together. You were right, Shinohara san. If Mama touched y/n chan, I wouldn't be able to control myself... you know me so well! Thank you for taking care of me even now, when you are so... useless"


"You were concerned she would abduct me?"

"You really do think only about yourself, y/n chan" He pets Shinohara's head before turning to face me.

"Can't you see? You are my weak spot" he says gravelly as if it was very hard for him to admit it.

"Your weak... spot?"

"If Mama saw you, she wouldn't have the power to resist you. I knew she would take you immediately, and I knew I wouldn't be able to stick to the plan if it was the case. And as you know, on the battlefield, it is very important to acknowledge your weakness."

Is he my weakness too?

What does it say about our partnership? Is being too close can hurt you?

Dozen thoughts started passing through my mind, and I couldn't feel the blush spreading on my cheeks.

"Are you okay~?" He asks and pokes my cheek.

"I'm... happy. Thank you for protecting me, and doing what is best for the squad. You are a very good leader, and Shinohara would be both proud and grateful for your decision."

I need to stay presentable and professional.
In a way, I couldn't fully ignore the excitement in my stomach.

When we walk inside the apartment, we go upstairs. All the bedrooms were on the second floor.

"I'm glad we shared this day with Shinohara san" Juuzou whispers with a smile. "Good night, y/n chan" He smiles and turns to his room, not waiting for an answer.

I lay on my bed, my face bright red.

"Fuck..." I murmured under my breath. When did I start to catch feelings for this little psycho?

This is...bad. 

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