𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘳 (chapter seven)

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The dance was becoming closer and closer, couples pairing up and being too intimate even in a crowded place. Divina and Yoko were walking hand in hand through the quad, Yoko giggling a bit too much at the sirens bad jokes.

It seemed like everybody was pissed at the Addams girl for something she did. Staring and whispering, Divina and Yoko laughing at her presence. Who knew somebody could be a total dick?

"Ohhh my heart yearns for her!" Divina clutched onto her heart in fake pain, falling down onto the grass.

The vampire laughed as she watched her girlfriend on the floor being too silly. May stared at them as they were obviously blocking her way to the dorms.

Standing right in front of the two girls with her arms neatly crossed and hair tied back in a low ponytail. This was one of the days that she grew bored of her appearance and keeping it neat and tidy, "Get your scaly ass out of my way," May scolded.

She stopped laughing and got helped up by her girlfriend, Yoko. Divina stared right into her eyes with her piercing ones, "Or what? You gonna hit me like Bianca?"

"And risk myself of fungal infections? No way in hell," squinting her eyes as she nudged past them aggressively to which Yoko took a hold of her arm, "Never knew you could be such a whore. Both Tyler and Xavier? Ouch."

Not understanding what she had meant by that logic, "You know, Bianca's real upset that you've stolen him," almost squaring up in her face as a slight crowd formed, "Maybe it runs in the family?"

Speaking of the devil, Xavier Thorpe was walking by and discovered a crowd. He nudged his way through and saw May standing there with nothing but an emotionless expression.

"Hey, what's going on?" he asked.

Finding a small crack in the crowd of people, she walked off like nothing happened, ignoring the laughs from people and the yells from Xavier.

Slamming the door to their room as Enid looked confused at her sudden outburst, "Hi to you too," she awkwardly smiled, getting out of bed and brushing her hair.

Since she fainted not long ago, she has been on bed rest on and off. A thought came to them that she was squeamish of gore and blood.

May sat down on the edge of her bed and took her blazer off, her tie almost reaching the hem of her skirt.

"Heard you're taking Xavier to the dance," she tried to brush off her silence.

"Unfortunately," May shrugged.

The wolf tapped her fingers together, "I have an idea of who I want to take," she moved herself to the edge of the tape, politely being on her side of the room still.

Picking off the chipped parts of her black painted nails, she hummed slightly as she watched Enid fidget, "I want to take Wednesday."

A rose colour exploded on her cheeks, May's eyes widened in shock, "That's oddly cute, what do you want me to do with this information?"

Enid shook her head, "I'm going to ask her later tonight! I have it all planned out. I am scared in case she thinks I'm not being serious-- what if she rejects me?! OMG, what if she's not into girls?"

Thing crawled over and sat in Enid's lap like a cat, he tapped away with his fingers and Enid smiled, "You think so?"

A thumbs up from Thing as Enid blushed more, if that was even possible, "She is into girls I'm pretty sure Enid," May reassured her.

The door opened to reveal Wednesday in her iconic plaited hair with pieces of paper in her hands, throwing them on May's bed, "Xavier sure has some weird fixation with you, May."

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