𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘯 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 (chapter ten)

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warnings: oral (male and female receiving), handjobs as well

Enid gave the twins matching black snoods this morning. May stood by the burnt grass on her own, just as Xavier stood by her.

"Last night in the crypt, you had another vision didn't you?" Xavier questioned.

She scoffed and looked up at his hazel eyes, "I didn't realise we were back on speaking terms."

"I showed up to your surprise party, surely that could've counted as a hint," he shrugged, "Your visions are truly strong if they make you react like that. What did you even see?"

"Why should I tell you?" May's stern voice made him swallow harshly.

Sometimes she could get really scary and he didn't want to see that side of her again. He looked down at her and sighed, "Does Wednesday still think I'm the monster?"

She nodded, "I'm not quite certain myself yet either," she saw his eyes droop in sadness.

"You do realise there's no possible way I could be the monster, right? When we were little, you saw no bulging eyes or claws," he took ahold of her hand, "Please, Macie. Can we just go back to our old selves? I miss us."

Removing her hands from his, she sighed, "If I spoke the truth, I might as well hang myself. I do miss us sometimes, but whatever you have with Bianca, it has to stop."

"You're such a hypocrite," licking at his dry lips and clenching his fists are the mere thought of a certain normie, "What about Tyler?"

"Just somebody to make you feel the same pain I did several years ago," grimacing at the realisation on his face.

"I only went with her because I had nobody else to go with and we went as friends," he explained.

She nodded slowly as if she was in deep thought, "That's settled then. I suppose we can be on speaking terms again."

He smiled and took ahold of her cheek in his palm and leaned downwards and pressed his lips against hers — her heart was beating fast against her ribcage.

Completely still and frozen like a mannequin, their lips parted as he tasted her cherry lip balm, licking at his lips. A slight blush appeared on her cheeks, "Nice look, Addams," he pointed at her cheeks as he chuckled.

"If you don't shut up I will shove you into my piranha pool," she threatened.

He still laughed until she stormed off, not wanting to be embarrassed anymore by him. Xavier touched his tingly lips and smiled to himself.

Later that day she went to Jericho and entered the Weatherwave and sat down in a booth next to the window for the sunlight to beam down onto her Pilgrim book.

She almost didn't notice the coffee with foamed cream on top, spelling out "happy birthday". Tyler smiled at her, "I know you're more a quad type of girl, but I've been working on this for a few."

"Birthday, yes. Happy, never," she explained. Still reading the words in her book, almost trying to ignore his presence.

"I delivered the cake! Ninety-eight percent of dark chocolate ganache, knowing your preferred colour palette," he smiled.

"It was delicious, actually," at her words Typer smiled, "I want to talk about what happened at the da—" she cut him off.

She hummed and then took a piece of paper from her bag and showed it to him, "Do you know this place at all?"

ADDAMS - Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now