𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴 (chapter six)

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Dr. Kinbott told the sisters to get out more, explore and have fun. Open up their minds to new people and experiences.

Eerie just like an enraged porcupine — May's senses were heightened just like bats, she entered the morgue with the help of Thing.

May felt lost without her twin by her side because she wanted to do more digging at Nevermore, the place of the bad type of horror.

"While I do the autopsy, you will find the files of all the monsters victims and make copies," she ordered him and he waddled after her with his goal to make her happy and help in anyway he could.

He tapped his fingers on the metal table — sulking that he wasn't allowed to autopsy because of his scalpel skills.

"Do you remember for our thirteenth birthday, Uncle Fester had gotten us a cadaver? You sliced through that mans carotid artery just like butter," he walked off to print copies.

It did upset Thing a little bit that he couldn't be trusted with sharp objects anymore.

May began opening the body compartments and inhaled each death scent as the coldness fell to the floor in a hurry.

Once she had found the victim she was looking for, she pulled out her tape recorder Wednesday had given her  specifically just for this.

"Thursday, seven:twenty three pm. The body is that of a fifty year old male. Lacerations and defensive wounds appear on both hands. What remains of his torso shows he suffered a frenzied attack. Subject has nearly been entirely disembowelled."

She leaned over and took a look at his feet, or foot. The mans left foot was entirely taken off — with a saw no doubt, not during the attack.

It was odd, Rowan had lost his finger during the attack.

Both having missing body parts?

Did the monster suddenly have an overpowering taste for human body parts?

Thing hurried in with a panic as she asked him a question about his missing foot to which he shook his finger at, "Calm down, who's coming?"

She was so concentrated on his little finger movements that were sentences.

With some more harsh movements that could've broken his bones if he panicked anymore, he ran off as May hurried to find an empty compartment to chill in.

Relaxing and actually enjoying the cold sensation going throughout her skeleton, the footsteps were entering the room now, two people.

After a long conversation between the sheriff and the medical examiner about the missing foot being surgically sawed off and being stored in his fridge, the strange conditions the victims were left in.

Footsteps were getting closer and closer by each millisecond that went swiftly by, they opened up the compartment she was currently lying in, similar to how someone would relax on the beach.

Her face was pale as snow, cold to the touch and looking deceased — his looks were full of confusion, "I don't remember this one coming in," he touched her cheek with the pad of his finger, "Oh my, you've been dead a while. I suppose you won't mind waiting another day for me to cut you open."

Closing her compartment as the coldness admitted from the vents and entering directly in her lungs, she grinned to herself.

The door closed and Thing opened up the door to her compartment, "Give me a few more minutes, I was just getting comfortable."

He gave a thumbs up and waiting patiently outside like a dog with an owner outside of a store.

He gave a thumbs up and waiting patiently outside like a dog with an owner outside of a store

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