𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦'𝘯 (chapter eight)

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You might believe that May was tarnished for having all of these emotions hidden behind a brick wall, but Wednesday was the same but she hid her feelings a lot better than she did. Wednesday was horrified at feeling May's warm tears all over her school uniform — she wanted to comfort her, strange for her I know.

Wednesday understood May when it came to Xavier Thorpe. How she got hurt by him many years ago, how he abandoned her for Bianca. Believe it or not, May has abandonment issues.

The plaited haired one offered to chop his fingers off one by one and give them to her as souvenirs but May kindly declined.

Wednesday stormed up to May who sat alone reading a book in the middle of the quad, "May! Please help me, I am on the urge of ripping apart one of Enid's unicorns."

May closed the book and adjusted her skirt as Wednesday sat down on the grass next to her, "What seems to be the problem?"

Their backs leaned against a pillar, not far from Edgar Allen, Wednesday leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "Enid asked me to the dance, what do I say?"

May smiled for her sister and nudged her jokingly, "Say yes of course— she's been telling me how much she adores your graveyard scent."

Wednesday bit her lip and somewhat smiled at the thought of taking Enid to the Rave'N, "What if I mess up? You know I've never been, you know... romantically involved with anyone."

She shoved the book in her spiked backpack that matched her shoes, "Give it a shot. I know it's easy for me to say but she really likes you."

May watched as her sister twiddled with the ends of her hair, "Okay, I'll accept her invite. But I don't think I want to wear anything overboard."

"If you want just wear your signature dress with the collar," she shrugged and slung her backpack over her shoulder, "Why don't you go find the werewolf and I go and talk to Eugene over there who looks a little... depressed."

Wednesday nodded slowly and took off in attempts to find Enid. May walked over to Eugene who's spine was severely slouched, "Eugene."

"May, hi. I asked Enid if she had gotten my honey," his glum face made his whole enamour weird.

She stood there with her arm crossed, "It's not like Wednesday didn't warn you. Besides, Enid and Wednesday are going together."

Eugene's eyeballs nearly flew out of his sockets at the news, "She's a lesbian?!"

People in the quad looked at the two confused, Eugene slapped his hand over his mouth muttering sorry.

"Wednesday is yeah, from what I gathered. I think Enid is just bisexual, not sure," May shrugged.

"I heard you are no longer going to the dance with Xavier, so that means your free? Why don't we search more in the cave together?!"

May's shoulders fell at the mention of the boy who broke her heart once again, but she shook it off. She had a plan anyways.

"Perhaps a little while after the dance. I'm still going to go even if I have nobody to go with," she adjusted her backpack.

He nodded, "Okay! Text me the deets— nevermind, no phone," he goofy smiled, "Meet me after the dance!"

Eugene waddled off like a penguin protecting its eggs, May sighed to herself. She just wanted a day without trouble, and that trouble being the monster.

And Xavier.

Once all classes were complete, successfully ignoring Xavier and his presence, she snuck out to the Weathervane.

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