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Y/N and Hailee have been dating for eleven months now and Y/N asked Hailee if she could finally meet the Dickinson cast. She's a huge Dickinson fan but she didn't want to ask Hailee as soon as they started dating to meet everyone.

"Babe."Y/N says

"What's up?"Hailee asks walking into the kitchen wrapping arms around Y/N's waist kissing her cheek.

"What time is everyone coming?"Y/N asks and their doorbell rings.

"Now."Hailee says smiling and she pecks Y/N's lips then goes to the door to let her friends in

"Hailee!"Ella screams excitedly

"Ella!"Hailee says the same as Ella did and hugs her

"Y'all are always so loud."Adrian says laughing when Ella punches his arm.

"Hey I'm Y/N."Y/N says and everyone hugs her.

When everyone gets done eating they all just sit around the table and talk. Y/N grabs Hailee's hand but Hailee drops her hand and Y/N looks down. For the rest of the time Y/N doesn't say anything and Hailee talks to Ella.

After everyone leaves Y/N goes to the kitchen to start washing the dishes.
Y/N starts washing the last three plates when Hailee walks in and Y/N turns her head to look at Hailee then back at the dishes.

"Why are you so pissed off?"Hailee asks

"I'm not pissed off. Who said I was pissed off."Y/N says

"Cause you're acting pissed off. It's ridiculous."Hailee says

"They were my friends and they were nice to you which isn't normal for them when they meet someone new. They usually just stay quiet and not talk to them."Hailee says

"I liked your friends I never said I didn't. I just didn't like the way you acted with Ella."Y/N says

"What are you talking about?"Hailee asks

"You dropped my fucking hand Hailee."Y/N says

"I didn't notice."Hailee says

"I don't know any of those people I didn't know what to do okay. They might be your friends and the cast of one of my favorite shows but I don't know them like you do. I felt so out of place just sitting there. And you didn't even pay attention to me you only paid attention to Ella. You never once looked at me like you usually do when we're hanging out with other people."Y/N says angrily

"I was catching up with them I haven't seen them since we went on a break twelve months ago."Hailee says

Y/N turns to face Hailee

"You're making me feel fucking stupid."Y/N says tearing up

"I didn't mean to drop your hand and I didn't mean to ignore you I was just being nice to them."Hailee says and Y/N doesn't say anything.

"I didn't notice you were uncomfortable."Hailee says

"You treated me differently."Y/N says

"What do you mean I treated you differently?"Hailee asks

"Like I said before you never looked at me and never checked to see if I was okay. You always make sure I'm okay or even glance at me to make sure I'm smiling."Y/N says

"I was catching up with Ella."Hailee says

"Yeah I know and she was loving all the attention you were giving her because I could see how she blushed every time you'd say something or even touch her shoulder when she said something funny."Y/N says

"Are you jealous?"Hailee asks and Y/N just stares at her with tears falling.

"She's just a friend and we were just having fun you're being selfish right now."Hailee says

"Oh, I'm selfish now?"Y/N also angrily

"Yeah, look how you're acting."Hailee says and Y/N just glares at her.

"Don't fucking look at me like that. That's so fucked up."Hailee says

Y/N just turns around and puts her hands against the counter and leans down crying.

"Y/N baby c'mon."Hailee says and walks over to Y/N.

"Hey baby c'mon I don't wanna fight."Hailee says and hugs Y/N from behind. Y/N leans back into Hailee putting her hand over her eyes crying.

"Come on."Hailee says and kisses Y/N's head and Y/N puts her hands on Hailee's hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."Hailee says after every kiss on Y/N's head and Y/N giggles making Hailee smile.

"I'm sorry I dropped your hand. I'm sorry I ignored you. I'm sorry I didn't look at you. I'm sorry I didn't give you any attention."Hailee says and let's go of Y/N and Y/N turns around and wraps her arms around Hailee's neck and Hailee wipes Y/N's tears away.

"I'm embarrassed."Y/N says

"Baby you don't have to be. I understand why you're feeling the way you are. But I promise you baby you're the only girl I have eyes for."Hailee says and Y/N smiles and leans up and kisses Hailee. Hailee kisses Y/N back hard but slow.

"I love you baby."Hailee says

"I love you too."Y/N says and lays her head on Hailee's chest

"I'm so sorry about this whole thing I love you more than anything and anyone in this whole galaxy."Hailee says and Y/N smiles.

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now