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Y/N got up this morning and instantly started clinging to Hailee. Hailee found it so cute.

"Baby not that I love this but why are you being so clingy."Hailee asks when Y/N clings back onto her when she sits on the couch.

"I don't know I just miss you."Y/N says cuddling her face into Hailee's neck

"Baby you've had me every single day for the past three weeks."Hailee says

"I know but you've been writing songs here and recording in the home studio and Griffin and Ella have been over and I just want you to myself."Y/N says and the door bells rings.

"If I would've known that I wouldn't have invited Griffin over again."Hailee says and Y/N sighs

"It's fine he's your brother I'm sure he wants to hang out with you before you leave for tour in a few days."Y/N says

"Well this is why y'all wouldn't answer the door."Griffin says walking into the living room seeing Hailee laying down on the couch with Y/N on top of her reclining to her like her life depended on it

"Sorry I was going to get up and answer but Y/N started talking to me and I forgot."Hailee says

"You're so whipped."Griffin says

"I have no shame."Hailee says and Y/N smiles and sticks her face into Hailee's neck.

Griffin sits on the chair that's next to couch and starts talking to Hailee.

The whole two hours Griffin and Hailee are talking Y/N has been kissing Hailee everywhere she could and even hugging her tightly

"You're being really clingy today Y/N/N."Griffin says joking  but Y/N doesn't think it's a joke.

"I need to use the bathroom I'll be back."Y/N says and walks upstairs to her and Hailee's room.

"There's a bathroom in the hall right there why did she go upstairs to y'all's room?"Griffin asks Hailee

"When you were joking about he rbeing clingy she didn't take it as a joke."Hailee says sitting up

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt her feelings."Griffin says

"It's fine I'll go talk to her."Hailee says

"I'll leave I'm sure she wants some alone time with you."Griffin says

After hugging her older brother bye she walks upstairs to her and Y/N's room.
When she walks into their room she sees Y/N cuddled up in her Haiz hoodie

"Baby you do know Griffin was only joking around with you."Hailee says laying down next to Y/N.
Y/N shrugs and turns around cuddling into Hailee.

"Baby you have no reason to embarrassed about being clingy to me I love when you're clingy to me and Griffin finds it cute."Hailee says

"Can we just cuddle and go to sleep now?"Y/N asks and Hailee laughs but nods.

"Sure baby. You sure you can sleep in ym hoodie without dying from the hotness."Hailee says

"I can try."Y/N says then gets on top of Hailee answer sticks her face into Hailee's neck.

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