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Hailee and Y/N have been together for three years. Hailee proposed to Y/N nine months ago, and they both decided to stay engaged for a year or two so they don't have to rush anything. Plus, Hailee has been in New York filming Hawkeye for the last seven months.

Y/N misses Hailee a lot, and Hailee misses Y/N just as much.  Hailee took a year off from acting and singing, so they were both used to having each other around all day every day.

"Y/N, come on, I have a surprise for you."Y/N's older sister Lauren says

"You know I don't like surprises."Y/N says

"But you'll like this one no scratch that you'll love it."Lauren says and drags Y/N out of the house.

Wehb they get to Lauren's house Y/N follows Y/N inside her house and sees her mom, dad, brother, twin sister, Ally, Dinah, Normani, Sadie, Millie, Griffin, Sheri, and Peter.

"Why is everyone here?"Y/N asks smiling

"Well it's been a while since we all hung out together so we thought we could do a barbecue tonight."Mike says hugging Y/N.

"Well Hailee isn't here."Y/N says pouting

"I know honey but the steinfelds have a lot to do the ebcr few months so we thought to just do it now."Clara says

"Oh ok."Y/N says

After an hour Y/N walks to the front yard and sits on the steps and Martini and Cleo follow her. Martini climbs into Y/N's lap while Cleo lays her head on Y/N's lap.

"Are you okay?"Griffin asks his soon to be sister in law

"Yeah I just miss Hailee."Y/N says sighing

"She misses you too I talked to her earlier."Griffin says

"I haven't talked to her in four days."Y/N says

"Why not?"Griffin asks

"I don't know she said she's been busy and couldn't talk."Y/N says pettign Martini.

"Well, she's talked to me."Griffin says

"Do you think she still loves me?"Y/N asks

"Of course, she still loves me. I don't know if you know this or not, but no one was surprised when y'all came out as a couple. Ever since y'all were two we all noticed y'all were gonna end up together. Y'all wouldn't want to go anywhere without each other and y'all sure as he'll didn't like other people being next to y'all."Griffin says and Y/N smiles

"Hey Y/N we all have a surprise for you so come to the back yard."Y/N's other sister Taylor says

"Why is today surprise Y/N day?"Y/N asks, annoyed, and Griffin laughs

"Come on, you'll like this one."Griffin says standing up

"So you're I'm on this surprise?"Y/N asks laughing and standing up

"Yes yes I am."Griffin says

Once Y/N gets to the backyard she walks over to everyone.

"Okay so what's the surprise."Y/N says then feels someone wrap their srmd around her from behind

"I've missed you baby."Hailee says and Y/N starts tearing up

"Hey, don't cry, baby, then I'm gonna cry."Hailee says Y/N turns around in Hailee's arms and sticks her face in Haikees neck and hugs her. Haikee hugs her back and kisses her head

"I love you."Y/N mumbles into Haikee's neck

"I love you too baby girl so much."Hailee says

Y/N takes her face out of Hailee's neck and leans up and kisses Hailee. Hailee smiles into the kiss.

"Please never leave for that long again."Y/N says

"I won't baby next time I leave, you're coming with me."Hailee says

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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