If You love her

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Lauren Jauregui and Y/N Y/L/N used to date each other but after a three-year relationship, they decided to break up because they thought they would be better off as friends. It's been a year since they broke up and Lauren is single but Y/N is dating Hailee Steinfeld but they aren't girlfriends yet until now.

"Hey Y/N/N."Hailee says smiling at Y/N and Y/N blushes

"Hey Haiz."Y/N says

"I wanted to ask you something."Hailee says

"What's that?"Y/N asks

"We've been going on dates for these past three months and I wanted to know if you wanted to be my girlfriend."Hailee says shyly

"I would love to."Y/N says and Hailee smiles and pulls Y/N into a kiss and they both smile into the kiss.

Y/N wraps her arms around Hailee's neck and Hailee wraps her arms around Y/N's waist and pulls her closer.

"Oh sorry didn't know y'all were going to be making out."Lauren says walking into the room and Hailee and Y/N pull away

"It's fine Laur what's up."Y/N says

"I was hoping to talk to you but it's fine."Lauren says

"You can talk to her I need to go call Griffin anyways he told me to call home if Y/N told me yes to being my girlfriend."Hailee says smiling and Y/N smiles.

"I'll be back."Hailee says and pecks Y/N's lips then walks out of the room

"So y'all are official now."Lauren says

"Yeah."Y/N says smiling

"I can't do this now."Lauren says and is about to walk out but Y/N grabs her arm

"What do you mean?"Y/N asks

"I was coming here to ask if you wanted to get back together. I miss you Y/N I miss what we had. I was dumb to think we could be just friends."Lauren says tearing up

"It's been a year Lauren."Y/N says

"I know and I've been trying  to get you back but you've been busy with your acting and I've been busy with my singing."Lauren says

"I can't be with you Lauren I'm with Hailee now."Y/N says

"Yeah I know that's why I said I can't do this anymore."Lauren says

"You still like her?"Hailee asks walking back into the room. Lauren sighs and nods

"I'm sorry Hailee I should've told you."Lauren says

"Look Lauren if you would've told me you still liked her when I asked you if could I ask her out on a date then I would've never asked her out because our friendship is more important than any girl. But now I've fallen for her and I can't just break up with her because you like her."Hailee says

"I know and I'm not asking you to but I do want to tell you something."Lauren says

"What?"Hailee asks walking over to Y/N and wrapping her arms around Y/N's waist from behind and Y/N smiled and leans back into her.

"She always has trouble
Falling asleep
And she likes to cuddle
While under the sheets
She loves Pop songs
And dancing, and bad trash TV
There's still a few other things
She loves love notes and babies
And likes giving gifts
Has a hard time accepting
A good compliment
She loves her whole family
And all of her friends."Lauren says and Hailee smiles

"I know about all of that but thanks."Hailee says and Lauren smiles and nods

"Theres also something I want to say."Lauren says and Hailee nods.

"Take it
If she gives you her heart
Don't you break it
Let your arms be a place
She feels safe in
She's the best thing that you'll ever have
She'll love you
If you love her."Lauren says

"Lo I loved you when we were together I really did and I'm so happy you remember all of that. And I'm happy you're letting Hailee know all it also."Y/N says and Lauren smiles

"We may not be together anymore but I still care about you and I don't want you to get hurt by anyone."Lauren says

"I'm never going to hurt her Lo I can  promise you that."Hailee says and kisses Y/N's cheek and Y/N smiles.

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