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Y/N never understood how people were so attracted to hands until she got with Hailee Steinfeld three years ago. Y/N has an unhealthy obsession with Hailee's hands. You can't blame her though I mean have you seen Hailee's hands they're to die for.

Don't get Y/N wrong she loves Hailee's abs but there's just something about the way Hailee's veins pop out in her hands. It makes Y/N want to sit there and fuck herself with Hailee's hand. Which probably wouldn't be a bad idea and who knows Hailee might be up for it too.

Right now Y/N is sitting on the couch in hee and Hailee's living room looking at pictures of Hailee's hands.

Right now Y/N is sitting on the couch in hee and Hailee's living room looking at pictures of Hailee's hands

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What Y/N didn't know is Hailee has been standing behind her for the past ten minutes.

"Well babe I knew you liked my hand but I didn't you were so obsessed that you would stare at them for so long."Hailee says laughing when Y/N jumps

"Don't scare me like that."Y/N says

"I'm sorry baby."Hailee says and sits next to Y/N on the couch.

"When did you get home?"Y/N asks

"About ten minutes ago."Hailee says and kisses Y/N's head

"You know back before you and I got together I never understood why people liked hands so much but then I got with you and now I understand well not all the way. I still don't know why I find them so attractive I just do. Maybe it's the way you know how to fuck me with them or the way your veins pop out in them without you even flexing."Y/N says and throws her head back against Hailee's chest sighing happily and Hailee laughs.

"Well baby what do you say about us just cuddling and you obsessed over my hands all you want."Hailee says and Y/N nods eagerly making Hailee laugh more

"Hey tini I'm sorry mama didn't say hey to you when I walked in."Hailee says leaning down and petting Martini with the hand that Y/N's not holding.

While Hailee is petting Martini Y/N is looking at her hands and the way he reins ate popping back out and she accidentally let's out a moan. Which makes Hailee look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't even touch you why you moaning?"Hailee asks

"I didn't mean to just your veins popped out in your hand when you started petting Martini."Y/N says groaning and Hailee smirks

"What like this."Hailee says and grips both of Y/N's thighs which makes Y/N moan at the contact and Hailee's hands.

"Or something more like this."Hailee says wrapping a hand around Y/N's throat making Y/N moan.

"Baby don't tease me."Y/N whines

"Well w rant do anything right now because one Florence is coming over in a few and two our daughter is three feet away from us."Hailee says pointing at Martini who is playing with her toy

"You're so mean."Y/N says and walks up to her and Hailee's room leaving a laughing Hailee on the couch downstairs.

A few minutes later Florence comes over and Hailee lets her in and they start talking. After about twenty minutes Y/N comes back downstairs and sits in Hailee's lap.

Hailee wraps her arms around Y/N's waist and rests then against Y/N's thighs. Y/N gulps when she sees the veins pop back out on Hailee's hands.

"Hey Y/N/N you okay?"Florence asks sn you just nod which makes Hailee smirk

"She's just obsessed with my hands especially if my veins are showing."Hailee says and Florence laughs while Y/N blushes

"I understand that there's some people's hands that I'm obsessed with also."Florence says and goes back to talk to Hailee.

After Florence leaves Y/N drags Hailee to the room.

"Now fuck me please."Y/N says and Hailee smirks and pushes Y/N back on the bed

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now