You're cute

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Y/N is sitting in her and Hailee's room scrolling through pictures of Hailee on Google. Y/N has never told Hailee but every time she goes to works Y/N goes to their room and gets on the computer and schools through pictures on Google. Sometimes she'll masturbate to them and sometimes she'll just act like Hailee is actually watching her through the pictures. Y/N didn't realize what time it was and the next thing you Hailee walks into their room without Y/N knowing and Hailee raises an eyebrow.

"Baby what are you looking at?"Hailee asks walking over to her girlfriend of three years

"Nothing."Y/N says and shuts the laptop quickly

"Babh seriously what is it?"Hailee asks sitirng next to Y/N on their bed

"It's nothing trust me."Y/N says and climbs into Hailee's lap and cuddles into her snuggling her face into Hailee's neck. Hailee wraps her arms around Y/N's waist and kisses her head.

"Baby if it's porn it's fine I mean I wish you wouldn't but that's up to you."Hailee says and Y/N blushes

"I wasn't watching porn."Y/N says

"Then what were you looking at?"Hailee asks

"It's embarrassing."Y/N says blushing more and Hailee kisses her head.

"Just let me see."Hailee says and Y/N groans

"Fine you can look."Y/N says and cuddles further into Hailee. Hailee let's Y/N go and opens the laptop putting in the password. When the laptop opens Hailee smiles.

"Why is it embarrassing that you were looking at pictures of me?"Hailee asks levaign the laptop open and wrapping her arms back around Y/N.

"I don't know I just look at the same ones every day because they're hot and cute."Y/N says and Hailee laughs

"Sometimes I feel like when I look at them you're looking right back at me and it brings me comfort when I'm alone."Y/N says and Hailee smiles even more

"You're cute baby."Hailee says and leans back which makes Y/N whines

"Don't pull away I want to cuddle."Y/N says

"And I want to kiss my adorable girlfriend."Hailee says and Y/N blushes but leans in and kisses Hailee. Hailee flips them over where she's on top.

"No you can't lie and say you haven't msaturbated to one of these pictures."Hailee says smirking and Y/N blushes way more then she ever has

"I have."Y/N says and Hailee smirks and kisses Y/N again.

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