Walk you like a dog

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Hailee and Y/N are at Robert Downey Jr's party and they both are ready to head up but they promise Robert they stayed at least four hours and it's only been hour.

"I'm ready to go home."Y/N whines into Hailee's neck and Hailee laughs and wraps her arms around Y/N.

"I know baby so am I."Hailee says then kisses Y/N's head.
"I really need to use the bathroom also so do you want to come or stay here."Hailee says

"Usally I'd go but I think Robert would kill me."Y/N says and Hailee laughs and walks off after kissing Y/N's head.

"Hey beautiful."A random guy says when he walks over to Y/N

"I'm not interested I have a girlfriend."Y/N says

"I don't see her."The guy says smirking

"She's in the bathroom. And it doesn't matter if you see her or not. When I say I'm not interested I have a girlfriend that means leave me alone."Y/N says rolling her eyes and the guy puts his hands on Y/N's hips.

"You need to let me go before my girlfriend sees that you're touching me."Y/N says

"What's she gonna do?"The guy asks smirking

"Walk you like a dog."Y/N says laughing

"Is there a problem here?"Hailee asks pulling Y/N away from guy and into her

"Walk you like a dog."Y/N mouthed to the guy smirking

"No there's no problem."The guy says

"Then don't ever put your hands on my girl again unless you want me to break your arms."Hailee says and the guy nods and walks off

"I heard you whisper walk you like a dog to him."Hailee says laughing

"Well I wasn't lying you wouldve walked him like a dog if he wouldn't have left me alone."Y/N says

"That's no lie."Hailee says kissing Y/N

"Let's go home."Hailee says against Y/N's lips and Y/N laughs.

"Robert would kill us."Y/N says

"Fuck him he doesn't control our lives lets go."Hailee says and pulls Y/N to their car.

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now