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Y/N and Haile have been going out for the last nine months and everyone knows it. So Hailee doesn't understand why there's a guy flirting with Y/N. It's making her really angry so she walks over to them and wraps her arms around Y/N's waist from behind and kisses Y/N's cheek.

"Hey baby you wanna head home now?"Hailee asks

"Not really."Y/N says and Hailee rolls her eyes.

"Whatever."Hailee says and walks back over to Ella

"Jealous Hails?"Ella asks smirking

"Obviously that guy has been up on her all night."Hailee says while glaring at the guy
"She loves you she's not gonna do anything to jeopardize yall relationship."Ella says

"I know and I trust her I just don't trust him."Hailee says still glaring at the guy

"You do know who that is right?"Ella asks

"No I didn't even really pay attention to see who he was."Hailee says shrugging and looking at the girls.

"That's Jack Harlow."Ella says laughing

"I don't really care who he is he's flirting with my girl dude."Hailee says rolling her eyes. While Hailee is glaring at Jack she see Y/N starts walking over and she smiles whrn Y/N sits in her lap. She puts her hands on Y/Ns hips while Y/N wraps hers around Hailee's neck.

"You know you shouldn't be jealous."Y/N says and Hailee rolls her eyes.

"It's hard not to be when he was touching your arm and smiling the whole time yall were talking."Hailee says then scoffs

"Babe he's literally like a brother to me we met in the 6th grade."Y/N says

"More reasons to hate him he's known you longer then I have and probably knows everything about you."Hailee  says

"No you know one thing he doesn't."Y/N says

"And what's that?"Hailee asks looking at Y/N with a confused face.

"Where any of my scars or freckles are."Y/N says and Hailee smiles and kisses Y/N hard and it gets heated that Hailee brings Y/N to the bathroom.


Hailee locks the bathroom door behind them and pins Y/N to the wall kissing her neck and Y/N moans. Hailee leaves three hickeys on Y/Ns neck before she takes Y/N's dress underwear and bra off then she attaches her mouth to Y/Ns right nipple while playing with the other one and Y/N moans louder.
"You need to be quiet."Hailee says

"You know it's hard to."Y/N says

"Well you're gonna be or you're gonna be punished."Hailee says smirking and Y/N nods Hailee slides her hand up Y/Ns thigh and starts teasing Y/Ns clit when Y/N is about cum she stops and Y/N whines

"No whining this is what you get for making me jealous babygirl."Hailee says and Y/N groans

"Now who do you belong to?"Hailee asks while entering a finger into Y/N making her moan

"To you."Y/N says moaning

"Louder."Hailee  says adding another finger

"I belong to you Haiz."Y/N says then moans loudly as Hailee starts pumping her fingers in and out of her after a few seconds Y/N cums on Hailee fingers and Hailee gets on her knees and licks Y/N clean then shoves her fingers into Y/N's mouth letting her taste herself and Hailee moans at the sight. They get dressed right after and walk back out the party like nothing happened.

"So we gonna act like Hailee didn't just dominate Y/N in the bathroom."Adrian says walking over to Ella.

"Shutup Adrian."Hailee says.
The rest of the night went fine Y/N stayed in Hailee's lap until they went home and did round 2,3 and 4

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now