Guess who likes you

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Y/N and Hailee just met each other nine months ago when Y/N joined marvel. They play each other's love interests. Y/N is the daughter of Wanda and Natasha that no one knew they had. Y/N has Wanda's powers but also Natasha's fighting skills. Hailee and Y/N have both fallen for each other but they're both too  scared to tell the other one.

"Hey Haiz."Y/N says walking over to Hailee where they're about to shoot a scene at

"Hey Y/N/N."Hailee says then the director yells action.

"Kate I promise you I only love you and Peter means nothing to me in that way."Y/N says with tears in her eyes

"But the way y'all look at each other says otherwise Y/C/N."Hailee says letting the tears fall down her face

"Kate I promise you baby that I don't like like Peter."Y/N says and puts her hands on Hailee's face and Hailee smiles. After looking at each other for a second Hailee pushes Y/N up against the wall and kisses her and the scene ends.

"Nice kiss Haiz."Y/N says and winks and Hailee blushes.

"Same to you."Hailee says and walks off before Y/N can see her blush even more.

"Hey Y/N."Florence says walking over to Y/N.

"Hey Flo I thought you were off today?"Y/N asks walking off set.

"I am but Hailee called and said she needed to talk to me."Florene says

"Ahh Ok well she just walked to her trailer."Y/N says and Florence nods and walks over to Hailee's trailer and walks in. When Florence walks into Hailees trailer she sees Haile elaying down on the couch glaring at the roof.

"Glare any harder the roof might fall on you."Florence says laughing and Hailee blushed and sits up.

"Hey Flo."Hailee says when Florence sits down next to her.

"Hey Haiz now you wanna tell me why you asked me to come here on my day off?"Florence asks and Hailee lays her head on Florence's shoulder and sighs.

"I like Y/N and I don't know what to do."Hailee says

"Tell her."Florence says like it's a simple thing to do.

"It's not that simple Flo."Hailee says groaning

"Yes it is because she likes you too."Florence says and Hailee looks up at Florence.

"How do you know?"Hailee asks

"Well for one the way she looks at you for two when you're talking she just smiled and stares at you."Florence says

"That doesn't mean anything her and I have always stared at each other when the other one is talking."Hailee says then her phone goes off telling her break
time is over.

After Y/N and Hailee shoot some more scenes they go and sit in Y/N's trailer knowing Florence is in Hailee's.

While Y/N and Hailee are talking Y/N's phone dings.

Flo🤪❤️:guess who likes you
Don't tell her I told you
Or she's going to kill me.

When Y/N reads over the messages twice to make sure she was feeding it correctly she looks up at Hailee who is blushing and looking at the ground

"You like me?"Y/N says

"No point on lying now. So yes I do like you I've liked you for awhile."Hailee says and Y/N leans on and kisses Hailee.

Hailee pulls Y/N into her lap and Y/N wraps her arms around Hailee's neck.

"I liked you too."Y/N says and Hailee smiles and kisses Y/N again.

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now