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Y/N and Hailee are at Lauren Jauregui's album release party. Lauren decided to only invite a few close friends. Y/N is in a black skin tight dress that shows all her curves and Hailee is wearing a black suit. Hailee can't help but be turned on by Y/N. In her defense, it's her girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N so she's always turned on but right now she's turned on to the max.

Seeing her girlfriend dance in that dress is so hot, especially when she turns her back to Hailee and Hailee can see her ass.

"Alright horny ass calm down."Lauren says nudging Hailee's shoulder

"Like Sasha don't stare at you the same way."Hailee says

"Hey I didn't even say anything."Sasha says laughing

"Never said you did."Hailee says laughing

"Well if you're so turned by her go dance with her."Lauren says taking a sip of her drink

"I'm going to."Hailee says and downs the rest of her drink then walks over to Y/N.

When Hailee gets over to Y/N she puts her hands on Y/N's hips and pulls her back into her front.

"Well hello Daddy."Y/N says smirking and Hailee groans

"Don't call me that in public you know that turns me on."Hailee whispers into Y/N's ear.

Y/N turns around and wraps her arms around Hailee's neck and leans towards Hailee's ear.

"What are you going to do about daddy?"Y/N asks smirking

Hailee drags Y/N to the bathroom.

"Get it Hailee!"A drunk Lauren Yells

"Babe shut up."Sasha says laughing

When Hailee and Y/N get into the bathroom Hailee puts Y/N up on the sink and goes straight to Y/N's neck and starts sucking on it. Y/N moans loudly and puts her head to the side to give Hailee more access. After Hailee makes four hickeys she pulls away and smirks at Y/N.

"What are you doing?"Y/N asks

"This will teach you not to call me daddy while we're out with our friends."Hailee says smirking and walks out of the bathroom and over to Lauren and Sasha

Hailee laughs when a very pissed Y/N walks out the bathroom.

"What did you do to the poor girl?"Sasha asks laughing

"I told her not to call me daddy when we're ein public because she knows it turns me on and she did it anyways so I might have left four hickeys on her neck then left her in the bathroom."Hailee says smirking and Sasha shakes her head laughing.

"You're so dead when y'all get home."Sasha says

"The worst is she'll bam sex for an hour."Hailee says shrugging and ordering another drink

"Seriously you've only been an hour without sex?"Sasha asks

"Yeah she can never ban sex for more than an hour because she's too horny or too bored to sit there any longer."Hailee says shrugging and taking a sip of her drink the bartender hands her

"Damn."Sasha says and Y/N walks over and wraps her arms around Hailee's waist and lays her head on Hailee's chest.

"What's wrong baby?"Hailee asks kissing Y/N's head

"Well one my very hot sexy gorgeous girlfriend that I call daddy turned me on and just left me in the bathroom to cool down. Then two things guy won't quit flirting with me so I came over to my daddy of a girlfriend."Y/N says and Sasha snickers when Y/N says daddy

"I told you not to call me that in public but thanks for coming over here."Hailee says and kisses Y/N's head

"Guys there's an ugly ass guy walking over."Lauren says stumbling over her words and almost falls but Sasha catches her and holds her. Lauren smiles and snuggles her face into Sasha's neck.

"Hey Y/N."the guy says and Hailee tenses up when she realizes it's Niall

"What the hell are you doing here?"Hailee asks

"Having fun with my friends why are you hugging my girlfriend."Niall asks and Hailee gets angry

"Listen here Nail clippers. Y/N and I have been dating for the past two years so I know for a fact you're lying. And you cheated on me three years ago so why come back over when you obviously see me over here."Hailee says

"I cheated on you because I was lonely we had different time zones Hailee."Niall says

"That doesn't give you a reason to cheat on me I would literally stay up late just to hear my phone ring and for you to be the one calling. But come to find out you were never really working you were with that other girl every day and tlakign to me every night."Hailee asks angrily

"Now you need to go before I do something I won't regret but Y/N will hate me for."Hailee says

"If she'll hate you for it then why be with her?"Niall asks

"Because I love her just as much as she loves me. And it's not like she'll hate me and break up with me she'll just be mad at me for doing it now now go away and leave my girlfriend the fuck alone."Hailee says and Niall rolls her eyes and walks off.

"Damn Hailee Nail clippers really."Sasha says laughing and Hailee shrugs

"I wouldn't never hate you for punching him."Y/N says looking up at Hailee.

"Yeah but you would be mad at me and would tell me I should've just let it go."Hailee says and Y/N smiles loving how much Hailee knows her.

"I love you."Hailee says

"I love you too daddy."Y/N says and Hailee growls then pulls Y/N into a hard kiss

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