Character Information

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[This is for those who haven't watched the series, specifically the Saiki K Psi Nan series]

Name: Kusuo Saiki

Age: 16

Gender: Male (true gender)

                 Female ( Using Transformation)

Birthday: August 16

Height: 5'6

Weight: 52kg

Eyes: Purple

Hair: Pink

Likes: Watching television, Sweets, Coffee Jelly, Being alone, His mother

Dislikes: Bugs, Being in someone's debt, Brain dead idiots, Annoyed, Interrupted, Being the center of attention, His father, Kusuke

Personality: Intelligent, Introverted, Selfless, Responsible

Quirk: Psychic- Registered

Actual Abilities associated with his Quirk:

-Apport: Ability to pull something from somewhere else and make it appear before him which works in tandem with teleportation as long it has anything with equal value.

-Astral Projection-The ability to separate his or someone else's spirit from their bodies, this enables him to fight even ghosts in that state. Of course he can take control of someone's body by doing so.

-Bilocation: The ability to create duplicate copies of himself. However, this is one of the most difficult powers since he  can't control how the clones look or act and he needs to take off his limiters to use this power. Of course the clones have the same power and have the same emotions including the removal from his limiter which may pose some serious damage and also any damage he suffers is directed to the clones.

-Clarivoyance: Without the need to move, he simply needs to cross his eyes in order to be able to view objections or people anywhere.

-Cryokinesis: The ability that allows a person to create and control ice with their mind.

-Curse:The ability to create misfortune and can be done by touch. The course of the curse can be changed at Kusuo's discrection.

-Electrokinesis: The ability to manipulate electricity

-Flight: The ability to fly

Hydrokinesis: The ability to freely use water or create water. He can also use this to create sweat on the body.

-Hypnosis: The ability to disguise people as himself but he can't use it on himself.

-Invisibility: The power to turn himself invisible for only 10 minutes. It cancels when someone touches him .Once it runs out  or if he is touched, he has to wait 1 minute before turning invisible again. 

-Mediumship: The power to see and communicate with spirits.

-Memory Alteration: Delivering a strong impact to someone's head to eliminate the desired memory. Kusuo can use anything that causes an impact for example a bat or a crowbar maybe used, of course the drawback is that a random different memory is placed.

-Mind Control: The power to subtly influence the minds of every single person on the planet. He can make others perceive that something unnatural is actually natural, even rewrite human biology itself, making it one of his most powerful abilities. Kusuo uses it without his limiter and considers it his most dangerous power, able to recreate the world with his imagination alone. He has to be careful using this power, because changing how others think affects the people around them, and he could destroy the world with a single thought. He used it once as a child for unexplainable reasons.

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