Chapter 22: Counterattack and Rescue

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Shortly after the events on the whole fiasco on the training camp, the ones who were injured or knocked out  from the villain attack were taken to the hospital for treatment after the emergency services had arrived. Those who were not were  allowed  to head straight back home. That included the Psychic who stayed most of his time at home full knowing he can check everyone's status at the hospital using his clairvoyance and also he's not in a good mood after failure to grab  Bakugo from being kidnapped by the villains or maybe it was just due to the heat of the moment.

He ended up being invited by Kirishima to help rescue Bakugo well knowing that his psychic quirks will be helpful on getting him back safely which of course was due to an offer he can't refuse as he also said he will bringing a few people on this rescue mission. At night, he took a train to Camino Ward which was at Kanagawa Prefecture which was the agreed meeting point which was 2 hours and 45 minutes from where he was living.

He then arrived at Camino Ward and after aimlessly walking around after leaving the train station, he found Kirishima along with Midoriya who was supposed to be at the hospital, Iida, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu who rush over to him as soon they all made eye contact.

Eijiro: Glad you could make it Saiki! For a second there I thought you won't show up at all! 

Izuku: Yeah, we need you for our plan if we need to save Kacchan as quickly as possible.

Kusuo: So you brought me here just to be used. Fantastic. Then why did you bring those three here?

Eijiro: Well, Todoroki and I were thinking of rescuing him in the first place, Yaoyorozu planted a tracker in a Nomu before it escaped and we are using that retrieval device to find which is somewhere and well Iida.....

Tenya: I'm keeping an eye on you lot to ensure you don't engage in any combat during this rescue operation!

Kusuo: So a  Watchman.... 

Eijiro: Well you heard him. Now that everyone's here, let's get Bakugo back! Where are they Yaoyorozu?!

Momo: Wait a minute! From here on out, we must be very, very careful. The villains know what we look like, remember? We must also consider that we may be attacked at any moment.

Midoriya then made an X symbol with his two hands

Izuku: Got it! Stealth Mode!

Kusuo: This isn't a spy movie or a cartoon, that kind of move won't work.

Shoto: You will stand out more if you do that.

Tenya: But at this rate, we won't be able to scout very easily.

Eijiro: Then what were we supposed to do?

Momo: I have a suggestion.

She points to a clothing shop that was right next to them.

There they entered the room and then put on different disguises to avoid being detected by any villains. First up was Midoriya who had chosen a delinquent style disguise, even adding a fake beard to boot.

 First up was Midoriya who had chosen a delinquent style disguise, even adding a fake beard to boot

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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