Chapter 13: An Eventful Internship

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After a long trip after getting into the train, both Nejire and Saiki had reached their destination and began having a long walk from the station to the Ryukyu Hero Agency and of course it wasn't a peaceful walk to say the least.  Eventually they reached their destination as they stood at the entrance which was just a simple brown building with a bill board of some sort.

Nejire: And here we are!

Kusuo: I was expecting it to stand out considering she is the top 10 heroes. But what the hell is that  billboard for?

Nejire: It's part of advertising her clothing line!

Kusuo: Either be a hero or a fashion modelist. Don't do both of them at once.

Nejire: Anyway, time's a wasting! Let me introduce you to the Number 9 Hero, Ryukyu!

She then opened the door and then stepped in as Saiki followed in. And unexpectedly the inside was totally completely different as it was from the outside.  The room was largely spacious filled with wood around with the walls specifically red with the columns specifically having being decorated. There are several office tables around, shelves, columns and a TV as several heroes were working.

Kusuo: It looks completely different than on the outside!

Nejire: I know amazing right! It's impressive on how she pulls it off like this!

???: Nejire-chan? What brings you back here?

A female with a long swept back blonde hair and a fringe which covered her right side of  her face, thin yellow eyes dressed in a hero costume which was a chinese dress, knee high boots and with gloves which only cover the majority of her hands except the shoulders and her hands with lastly small dragon wings at the back of her hair.

Nejire: We have been given a week off to continue our work studies and plus remember the boy I was talking about? Here he is!

She said pointing towards Saiki while grinning.

Kusuo: Don't address me as if I am a prized object.

???: You must be Saiki. Nejire-chan has told me a lot about you.

Kusuo: Of course she has.

???: I'm Ryukyu, the Dragoon Hero. Welcome to my agency, it's truly a pleasure to meet the student who placed first during the U.A sports festival. 

She says walking towards him and then stretching her hand out for a shake. The psychic then sighed as he also stretched his hand out and the two shook hands while Nejire pouted.

Nejire: Oh come on! Why can't you be that nice to me Saiki?

Kusuo: Because you are annoying.

He says deadpanning at her which made her pout even more.

Nejire: Jeez....

Kusuo: And stop pouting at me.

Ryukyu: Judging from your expression, you two already get along smoothly. Although I haven't heard a single word come from him.

Nejire: Ah yeah! Saiki is the quiet type so he uses Telepathy to communicate to others!

Kusuo: Don't spill information about my quirk just like that!

Ryukyu: So he is socially anxious, I understand.

She says looking towards Nejire and then back to Saiki and then nods in approval.

Ryukyu: Anyway, what Nejire-chan said was correct, she told me a lot about you and how you displayed yourself during the sports festival which made me pique my interest about you. Not even once did you display an ounce of fear, you kept a cool head until the end which is what an important trait a hero must have.

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