Chapter 2- Yet Another Test

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The following day, classes continued like any other school. Of course regular classes were required in the morning hours. Today the students of class 1-A were being taught English by Present Mic.

Present Mic: Which of these English sentences is wrong?

1. The man whom I respect most is my father

2. That is the house in which he lived

3. I well remember the day on which we both met

4. Please tell me that all you know

Mina/Denki/Kyoka: So normal......

Katsuki: So damn boring!

Kusuo: Good grief, the answer is plain obvious, these people must be brain dead idiots even if they don't figure it out.

He says as he deadpans glaring at the black board, sitting between two other recommended students who were also girls, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki.

Present Mic: Everybody, heads up! Let's get this party started!

Eventually Yaoyorozu raised her hand and Present Mic pointed at her

Present Mic: Okay, Yaoyorozu, come on!

Izuku: The relative pronoun is in the wrong place is number four!

Kusuo: At least two including me have spotted the error that easily.

Lunch had arrived and while everyone was served their own food, Saiki had brought his own lunch from home, courtesy of his mother who is a good cook and along with two coffee jellies. He wanted to eat alone but of course being forced to eat with Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida.

Kusuo: Mother never fails to disappoint when it comes to cooking unlike my useless father...

He says as he munches on his katsudon, while drinking a can of soda as he was going to save the coffee jelly for last.

Izuku: Um Saiki?

Kusuo: What? Don't interrupt me when I'm eating.

Izuku: Well, are you sure you don't want to eat the school's lunch?

Kusuo: No. I prefer what is made at home.

Tenya: But why? This school has the best lunches made courtesy of the heroes!

Izuku: And by Lunch Rush of all people!

Ochaco: Yeah! Why don't you just go and give it a try?

Kusuo: I don't care if it was made by a pro-hero, No means No. If you don't mind, I want to go back to eating, don't interrupt me again unless it's for a good reason.

He says as he goes back to eating his lunch while the three stare at him dumbfounded and also went to also eating their own lunch as well without saying a word to the psychic.

In the afternoon hours they had now heroics training, as this was the main subject of an institution such as this. Everyone was constantly talking how they have been waiting for this day to come or who will be the teacher and most of them are speculating that will be All Might. Saiki meanwhile lets out a sigh as he looked at his classmates.

Kusuo: For a number one hero, he doesn't know how to keep his time schedule, or does he show fashionably late on purpose like other heroes?

All Might: I am....coming through the door like a normal person!

Kusuo: That's not how normal people enter.

Denki: It's All Might!

Eijiro: Wow, he's really is a teacher!

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