Chapter 10- Battle Continuation

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After the conclusion of that hectic match which had lead to the arena being destroyed as a result by that final attack, everyone was casually talking about it. The two contestants had left the ring and headed back to the tunnel after Saiki had won the match. Todoroki who entered the tunnel was going to have a certain chat with the psychic when she was blocked  by Endeavor.

Endeavor: 'You're in my way.' You're not going to say that now? You need to control your left're just letting it all out and its dangerous. But you have abandoned your childish tantrum and finally become a perfect upgrade of me.....even if that pink haired boy proved to be stronger than I thought. 

Shoto: ........

Endeavor: His strength and his quirk easily overpowered you even if you had finally used your left side, you should take this as an inspiration to reach greater heights that you would have at the very beginning! If you had trained with both sides rather than using your right you would have been a match for him no matter what and eventually he will be just a stairway for you to become the top hero!

He then held his hand out towards her.

Endeavor: After you graduate U.A, come work for me! I'll lead you down to the path of the mighty!

After a long silence between then Todoroki sighs and then looks at Endeavor.

Shoto: I'll be frank here. For a long time I've always hated you down to the fiber of my being, treating me as a tool, driving my mother to insanity just for your own lousy goals and this hatred cannot be reversed. That is why I made a vow to never use my left side again. That is until my fight with Saiki made me realize what I was doing what was wrong and helped me break free from those shackles. It's just back then...for that moment where our attacks clashed....I forgot about you.

She says while looking at her left side surprising the number two hero

Shoto: It's because of Saiki that I managed to unleash the emotions that I kept bottled up for years into that one single blast and just like that, the anger I had for you was gone. Now my outlook on my life has changed and from now on I will  follow Saiki's  approach to become a hero,not yours. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing...I need to think about it .

She then walks past Endeavor who was in complete shock after hearing all that,heading down to the depths of the hallway.


Meanwhile Saiki was drinking a bottle of cold juice that he had taken out of the fridge from the waiting room and was laying on the chair with his feet stretched on the table. That was when Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu and Kirishima burst through the door.

Everyone: Saiki!

Kusuo: Just when I thought I could get some peace and quiet.

Ochaco: Thank goodness you look fine! You barely look scathed after that match!

Kusuo: What are all of you doing here? Shouldn't the both of you be fighting right about now?

He says looking at both Midoriya and Iida.

Izuku: The stage is being repaired so they are taking a small break before we could go in.

Tenya: Besides both you and Todoroki did a lot of damage towards it, especially with the final clash.

Eijiro: But I have to say Saiki, that match was truly something there! The pros are now talking about it! Although we didn't get the idea what was going on!

Tsuyu: Indeed. The next thing you were attacking each other, the next you were standing face to face and the next thing, Todoroki began using her left side.

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