Chapter 1- The Disastrous School Year Begins

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Kusuo: Good Grief....

This were the first words that came into Kusuo Saiki's head after looking at the U.A building from the gates, dressed in his official school uniform after being enrolled here on recommendations. After having born with multiple psychic powers, there is no doubt that people will take notice of it and he will end up being scouted eventually. Either way today marks the day when he will be starting his hero course as he gave a sigh and walked into the school building.

Kusuo: For a prestigious school like this, they have to find ridiculous ways to show off. Who thought it was a good idea to put glasses around the entire school's hallway?

He says as he was wandering through the school hallways as he was looking for his class 1-A which was his assigned classroom that he will be in throughout the year. It didn't take him long to find it as he reaches a corner in the hallway to his assigned class and looked at the door.

Kusuo: This is utterly unnecessary. Plus I doubt the school will just let giants roam the hallways that easily.

He sighs as he grabs his hand on the door and then out of nowhere he hears footsteps and sees a green haired boy racing through the hallway and then stopping as he caught his breath.

???: Finally found it at last......this place is too big.

That's when the green haired boy turned and noticed the pink haired psychic looking at him which made him flinch in surprise

???: Oh! Are you also a student in this class too ?

Kusuo: Of course I am, otherwise I wouldn't have been here to begin with.

He says as he communicates with the green haired boy telepathically.

???: Wait are you communicating with me telepathically, is that your quirk?

Kusuo: I'm a psychic, just keep that in mind. Plus I prefer talking like this.

???: O-okay then......What's your name?

Kusuo: Kusuo Saiki

???: Nice to meet you! I'm Izuku Midoriya!

He says with a bright cheery expression on his face.

Kusuo: I can tell this kid will be a nuisance and annoying....

He then turns and looks forward at the door with his cheerful expression turned into a worried expression.

Izuku: The elite chosen from the huge number at the exam....

He says as he goes blank before shaking his head, clearly thinking about two people that mentally came to his mind.

Izuku: I hope I'm not in the same class as the scary people....

Kusuo: Good grief, I don't have time for this.....

He says as he walks forward and slides the door open, only to be greeted by an argument between two students. A blue haired student yelling at the spiky blonde haired student.

???: Don't put your feet on the desk!

???: Huh?

???: Don't you think that's rude to the U.A upperclassmen and the people who made the desk?

Kusuo: I'm pretty sure the upperclassmen and the people don't care about the desk. Plus why are you concerned about inanimate objects anyway?

???: I don't! What junior high did you go to you side character?!

He insulted towards the blond haired boy. Midoriya just gave a nervous expression while Kusuo gave a blank expression.

Izuku: Just my luck.......

The Disastrous Life of a Hero [Saiki K X My Hero Academia]Where stories live. Discover now