Movie Chapter 1: I-Island

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Morning arrived and Saiki had woken up from his bed and had put on his glasses after rubbing his eyes and then sighed.

Kusuo: Good Grief.....Another disastrous day. Although we have finally gotten a summer break I still have a nuisance which will be bothering me and that nuisance is  none other than my own father.

As he steps out of the bed, he notices something is odd. He can no longer hear the thoughts of his father, his mother and anyone else that is nearby.

Kusuo: Wait. I can no longer hear his thoughts or anyone's thoughts anymore! Wait does that also mean my psychic powers are gone now? No. Let me test this just to be sure that there are gone.

He then turns towards the bed and attempts to use psychokinesis to make it float but to surprise him the bed didn't move an inch from the ground which put a satisfying smile on his face. He then punched the wall which surprisingly again didn't damage the whole house or anything 7 kilometers away from it.

Kusuo: Yes! Finally! After all this time, my wish has finally come true! I can now finally live a normal life!  I think the first thing I will do is quit U.A and put this hero stuff behind me and go to a normal high school next semester!

???: Saiki?

Kusuo: Don't ruin the moment whoever you are. I want to celebrate in peace!

???: Saiki! Wake up!

Another voice responded which began to now irritate him.

Kusuo: I said leave me alo-

Suddenly there was a loud shake of the house with instantly everything falling from it's position to the ground. This began to make him lose his motion and then fall sitting to the ground lying on the wall behind him.

Kusuo: An earthquake? At this time of the year?!

Then the ground beneath him began to crack and before he knew it, it collapsed and then began to fall to the ground of the sitting room below landing on the wooden table making him groan in pain.

Kusuo: This is no normal earthquake! I need to get the hell out of here before the entire house caves in! Considering I have no psychic powers anymore. I need to get out of here on foot!

As he tries to move, he realizes that he is blocked by the concrete that has surrounded the now destroyed wooden table leaving him no room for escape. To make things worse, he began to hear cracks on the ceiling on what was used to be his bedroom.

Kusuo: Good Grief. You have got to be kidding me.

In an instant the roof and the ceiling began to fall  towards the sitting room on where Saiki was. At this point all he had to do was close his eyes as he had waited for his imminent demise to come.


Saiki then opens his eyes to be staring at the ceilling of an airplane and feels someone is furiously shaking him. He then turns his eyes and sees Nejire who was shaking his shoulders finally stopping and staring at him.

Nejire: Finally, you're awake! I didn't take you for such a heavy sleeper!

Kusuo: So it was just a stupid dream....I knew it was too good to be true.

He then turns towards her with an unamused look.

Kusuo: Now what was so important that you had to wake me up from my nap?

Nejire: It's obvious isn't it? We are five minutes away from arriving in I-Island!

Shoto: The pilot just announced it a minute ago

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