Chapter 14: Back to Normalcy

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Following the Hero Killer incident, Saiki went on training on controlling his physical strength through throwing baseballs for the remainder of the four days that remained and also started decreasing the waiting period for his teleportation. This had taken interest on Ryukyu since he was focused on mitigating the weaknesses that he had and also he didn't let the  incident even faze him through the training. And of course Nejire who of course was also impressed and then later on pestering him through his lunch and break period, however this time it was starting to grow less than usual.

Anyways it was now time to head back as the two were now standing outside of the agency while holding their suitcases that contained their hero costumes and dressed back in their school uniforms.

Nejire: I can't believe it's time to go.....but then again we have to go back to school. At least you got some experience, right Saiki?

Kusuo: More or less.

Nejire: Eh?! You were not that impressed?

Kusuo: Other than the Hero Killer incident,  I spent most of my time training. That's what I meant by More or Less.

Nejire: Oh, that's what you meant.

Ryukyu: Out of all the interns I have met, you are a special one. You even spent most of your time training your abilities even with or without my supervision. And to top all of that you even managed to rescue your friends and find and defeat the hero killer during the villain attack which is something no other person can do. From what I have seen, you can definitely make it to become a hero and I am looking forward to meeting again with you, Saiki.

She said looking towards the psychic while smiling as she stretched out her hand for a handshake which he does as he shakes it with a nod and then breaks it almost immediately.

Nejire: Whoa! Looks like you made a good impression with her! I told you coming here was worth it!

Ryukyu: Of course you aren't exempt from this either Nejire. You have improved ever since the last time we had met so keep it up.

Nejire: Thanks boss!

Ryukyu: Now you better be off. You don't want to miss the train now don't you?

Nejire: You are right! Come along Saiki! Bye bye!

Ryukyu: Farewell you two.

Kusuo: So back to normal again.....I am going to miss those coffee jellies

The two then left the building  and they were now walking to the station and as they are walking, Nejire posed a question towards Saiki.

Nejire: Did you enjoy your internship, Saiki?

Kusuo:  Like I said earlier, more or less.

Nejire: Thought you will say something like that....but at least I know deep down you enjoyed it.

Kusuo: What made you jump to such ridiculous conclusions?

Nejire: Never underestimate a woman's intuition! Plus I could tell through what you have been doing throughout the week!

Kusuo: What does being a woman have to do with it anyway?

Nejire: Everything! Anyway, you are definitely an odd one Saiki. You might not know it but you do actually have a soft spot somewhere. I mean during the villain attack, you ignored Ryukyu's orders just to go and save your friends from being killed which shows the fact that you care for your classmates. Ryukyu was right. You can actually become a great hero this time round and it won't take long for you to also soften up too!

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