Chapter 1

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I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I continued to unload my car. After bringing in the last of my work supplies I decided to take a break.

Practically collapsing on my mattress, which lay frameless on the floor, I let out a big sigh.

"why is moving so hard" i said to nobody in particular

A loud grumble from my stomach interrupted my thoughts and I groaned. Knowing my pantries are completely barren, I didn't even bother looking for something to eat. I turned over and snuggled onto the bare mattress.

"First thing tomorrow I'll grab some groceries."

The next day I went to the nearest market. Entering the shopping center I immediately noticed a small café that stood near the entrance. My hand aimlessly rubbed my stomach and my feet took me towards the heavenly lit display cases. little cakes and sandwiches littered the interior and I leaned inwards to fully take in the delightful array.

"Their cakes are like, to die for" a voice rang out to me

I whipped around, embarrassed I was oogling this food like a stray dog, and locked eyes with the stranger who called out to me.

She was a red-headed girl sitting at a table full of other girls in the corner of the café. I gave a nervous polite laugh as I wasn't sure what else to do, when she rose from her seat and made her way towards me.

"Summer" She introduced herself curtly, with an extended hand.

"(Y/n)..." I said coyly shaking her hand.

Summer leaned cooly on the display, mindlessly twisting a strand of her bright hair.

"sooo, (Y/n), how come I've never seen you around?" she prompted.

shit. Was it that obvious i'm new around here?

"Yeah! I-uh , just moved to town. Yesterday actually."

"Well you should totally grab a bite to eat then come sit with us." she gestured to the table full of giggling girls.

I really don't want to do that. I opened my mouth to reject her offer but then snapped shut. What was I doing? She was being polite and it wasn't like I had any friends yet. I nervously eyed her friends then just nodded in agreement.

"Cool" she breezed.

After buying a few things to eat from the display, Summer and I walked over to her table. I surveyed my surroundings. They all seemed to be a bit younger than me, probably around 18/19 if I had to guess. Summer sat close to me with her head in her hand, elbow propped on the table.

"This is (Y/n), he's like, JUST moved here." she drawled.

I gave a nervous smile and greeted the table. Between Summer seemingly inching closer to me and all the pointless small talk my anxiety was crawling up my back. I shed my jacket to hopefully ease my tension when Summer gasped and grabbed at my arm.

"O.M.G. I love your tattoos!" she oozed batting her eyelashes at me.

oh. oh. I felt my face heat up as I realized her intentions for inviting me to sit with her and I stuttered . Sure she was cute, but this was happening a little too quickly for my liking. She traced the length of one of my tattoos aimlessly.

"err thanks, i'm a tattoo artist so i actually did some myself" I said politely shrugging out of her grasp.

"no way that's so fucking cool" she smiled.

"sooo , you seeing anyone?" she said inching towards me again.

I cleared my throat loudly

"I'm uh, 21."

"cool, i'm 18"

her friends snickered and i felt a lump in my throat

" Summer he's so not interested!"

I flinched and Summer gasped

"no! i-i mean you seem really cool! I just uh i'm" i stuttered

"don't worry, I get it, '' she smiled. "Here, let's exchange numbers so we can chat PRIVATELY" she glared at the surrounding girls.

I let out a sigh of relief, punched my number into her phone, and excused myself. Flirting aside, Summer seemed cool. Maybe we could be friends? I rushed out of the café and on to do some real shopping.

It wasn't until I was in the elevator going up to my apartment that I felt my phone buzz. My hands were occupied by grocery bags so I scurried into my apartment and tossed the bags aside to see who it was.

Mom: You settled in yet?

I groaned. My relationship with my family is complicated. It's not like I hate them but we definitely aren't on great terms.

Me: yes

A one word reply would suffice, I really didn't care to chat with her right now. After putting the groceries away it was around 5 pm, and I was STARVING. Early dinner it is, I decided. I was cooking when my phone buzzed again.

Summer: sorry for making u uncomfy earlier xx

Summer: My grandpa is throwing a wicked party later tonight u should come

Summer: it's gonna be a fucking blast.

This threw me off. Her... Grandpa? was throwing a supposedly cool party? old people aren't usually the type to be fun to party with. In reality it was probably going to be your run of the mill get-together. You know, some drinks some music and a handful of people. I tapped my chin curiously, if I went it would be a great way to meet more people. But I wasn't sure I could handle anymore flirting from Summer. Fuck it.

Me: when and where?

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