Chapter 10

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My eyes fluttered open as my head was bobbing slowly to the rhythm of Rick's slow breathing . Despite his chest being so thin it was surprisingly comfortable to be laid up on him this way.

I looked up at his sleeping face in admiration . He may be older , but that really didn't take away from how attractive he was. Thin wrinkles and a sharp angular face- he was honestly very pretty.

As if he heard my thoughts, his soft blue eyes blinked open . We met eyes for a brief second before I flushed and looked elsewhere.

Abruptly, he sat up. Slightly shoving me off of him.

"Arhg.. shit." He moaned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"G'morning" I said smiling.

Rick didn't respond , instead standing from my bed and began quickly dressing himself .

"... Leavin' already?" I asked, hoping the disappointment didn't sound as obvious in my voice as it felt in my chest.

"Yeah. I got-uurrRRRP shit to do." He said curtly.

"Mm." I acknowledged smoothly.
"D-do you um... want me to make you something to eat? O-or a coffee or anything?" I offered sheepishly .

Rick froze. My breath hitched in my throat and I felt as if I made a mistake.

Letting out a heavy sigh Rick ran a bony hand through his blue locks . He turned around and his icy blue eyes bore through me. Remembering my nude state I felt even more vulnerable and I shrunk under the comforters a bit.

"L-listen . Whatever little crush you got on me? Forget about it. You're just the closest option to help me get my rocks off. Don't m-make it weird."

I just looked blankly through him.

"So, why'd you do this then?"

Rick groaned . "F-for fucks sake do what?"

"Why did you come to my house and completely renovate it as a surprise?" I interrogated.

"W-what are you uUURP dumb? I could do this in my fucking s-sleep . This was NOTHING. Just fucking accept the gift." He spat

"Okay Rick." I said , not bothering to hide the irritation in my voice.

"Jesus Christ are you always this whiny ? G-grow up (Y/N). G-go screw that beefcake boss of yours or something, just get off my fucking back." he said .

Sparing me one final look of irritation, Rick turned tail and briskly walked out of my apartment.

Alone with my racing thoughts and my now heavy heart , I laid back down in bed . Every instance I think Rick shows a soft side, that he cares even a little about me, he sure snaps me back to reality.

My heart was sunk and sat heavy in my chest, it felt as if I had been punched . I really couldn't deny it anymore, I liked Rick.

The thought made me scrunch my nose in frustration. Why him? He was cruel to me, and the age gap was no small matter either. Plus I knew nothing about him ! Yet despite it all I felt an undeniable pull towards him.

But I know that he does not feel even remotely the same towards me. He even admitted the only reason he comes around is to get off, I'm not surprised but it still hurts to hear.

My eyes started to water out of frustration and sadness.

"This was the final straw, i'm done with Rick Sanchez."

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