Chapter 13

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It had been about a week since you've been staying with Cabin Rick. He was sweet and very caring towards you, but you couldn't help but feel violently homesick.

I lay looking up at the textured ceiling, consumed by my thoughts when a firm 'TAP' bounced off the window by the bed I laid on. I sat up instantly- what was that?

I crept towards the window and pulled back the curtains. Earth B-274 looked completely normal, just like your own. Aside from the complete vacancy of living beings.

Surveying the surroundings you figured it must've been the house settling or something .

That's when it happened again 'TAP'.

This time I unlocked the window and pushed it open , leaning my torso outside the frame to get a better look around.


I spun my head around and in the shadows, hidden behind a couple of garbage cans and debris, something moved. I froze in place, completely unsure of what to do.

"Hey. I know you can hear me- over here!" It beckoned.

I thought about going to get Rick- out of fear and anxiety towards the unknown.

"Whose t-there?" I whispered harshly .

Rick had claimed many times it was just the two of us on this planet, so I had a feeling whoever I was talking to was not supposed to be here.

"Listen to me, you have to get out of that house! You're in danger!" The voice pleaded.

This suprised me. Me? In danger?

"Y-you don't know what you're talking about. If you don't get out of here I'm gonna- I-I'll have to" I searched for a threat only to come up empty .

The creature rustled in the pile of junk, making loud clattering noises. Slowly it peaked its head out from the shadows- it looked like a cat? At least, close enough to one. It was small and had a traditional feline face and anatomy , but it's head bore four large pointed ears . It was extremely fluffy and looked up at me with wide blue eyes.

"That man- he's evil! You have to get out- now!" It once again pleaded.

I shook my head.

"No Rick has been nothing but sweet to me. I think you're mistaken."

The feline shook its head rapidly.

"I saw you fall into this dimension- don't you think it's strange Rick happened to be outside right next to you the moment it happened ?"

I opened my mouth but shut it instead.

"I mean , I fell right next to his house." I said matter of factly.

"And you think that's a matter of coincidence?" The creature asked.

"...what are you trying to say?" I questioned .

"It's a trap. I'm trying to help you here kid- get out now! You can follow me , there's a clan of scavengers a couple days south of here. If you explain your situation I'm sure they'd take you in."

"W-what? No ! I'm comfortable here! You're trying to trick me, Rick already told me this planet is deserted." I argued .

The cat like creature sighed and walked a couple paces towards the open window . Panicked, I slammed the window shut and backed away from it cautiously.

"E-everything uuRRRPP good?" Ricks voice called from the doorway.

I whipped around and opened my mouth to speak but my brain was moving too fast.

Should I tell Rick about the cat? If he's lying, and the cat is telling the truth- I could ruin my only chance at escape. Yet again- did I want to escape...? Cabin Rick has been nothing but kind to me. It felt too convenient for that cat to show up and try to get me to follow it out of the safety of the cabin.


Why did Rick say we were the only two living beings on this version of earth? Clearly that wasn't true. If the cat truly was lying, and trying to trick me, that doesn't explain why it was here when Rick had clearly stated otherwise.

"(Y/n)?" Rick called.

"I-I I thought I saw something...?" I said hesitantly.

"What do you mean? " Rick said.

He approached the window and I felt my heart beating in my throat.

"(Y/n) I told you there's nothing out there. If you're scared being by yourself you can always come join me in my workshop." He offered.

Cabin Rick put a hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

"I won't let anything happen to you. You're safe h-here. Just come relax with me for a bit to clear your head."

Walking from the bedroom I turned back and almost screamed. The 'cat' was pressed up against the glass of the window, and a wicked looking third eye had opened up on its forehead- glowing menacingly .

I bit my tongue and glanced up at Rick who was still leading me away from the bedroom. He hadn't seen the creature it seems.

What was I going to do? Why was Rick lying about us being the only ones alive here? What did that 'cat' mean when he said Rick was evil?

I didn't know who to believe, my stomach churned with anxiety.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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