Chapter 6

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       The next day I busied myself at my new job. I didn't have any appointments so I took small walk-ins and various odd end tasks. Mostly busywork but I didn't mind. Since I had plans directly after work I dressed up a little bit, sporting a spiked choker with some layered necklaces underneath, a cropped leather jacket lined with white wool, and a black tee with ripped jeans. I styled my (H/L) hair into a messy look and threw on some smudgy eyeliner.
"Hey (Y/N) I just finished up on the last tattoo I had for a while. Want to go grab lunch?" Birdie said popping his head into my booth. I smiled and agreed.
     Jessie was working on a client so we promised to bring her back something . Hopping in Birdie's car I couldn't help but notice how good it smelled. Like cologne and pine needles. It smelled overwhelmingly of Birdie and it made me blush. Backing out of the parking space he put a toned arm behind my seat as he looked behind him . I looked at his sharp jaw and his shaggy hair when his eyes met mine. I was embarrassed but I didn't look away, he closed the distance between us and I felt his hot breath on my lips. HONNNNKKKKKKK! Someone blared their horn and he quickly moved away to continue driving out of the lot. I could feel how red my face was and groaned inwardly.
        Stopping at a little diner we got a table and ate silently. It was uneventful but pleasant and we grabbed Jessie some takeout and left the place , Birdie seemed to be in a hurry. I quietly hummed along to the song on the radio as we drove back to the shop.
      He pulled into the parking lot but drove to the furthest back corner spot. I got butterflies in my stomach as I side-eyed him. He threw the car in park and leaned back. I stared ahead holding my breath . If he makes a move am I going to reciprocate it? My thoughts raced and then he placed a big hand on my thigh making me jump a little bit.
"Woah there! Easy" he teased .
      I looked at him with (E/C) doe eyes and wrung my hands nervously . He smiled showing his perfect pearly whites and his grip on my thigh tightened. Using his free hand he placed it on my shoulder and once again closed the distance between us, this time with no interruptions. We kissed gently and he massaged the top of my thigh, I squeaked a little and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue inside . I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck when- knock knock "ur-urrrpp let's fuckin go dipshit."
      I pushed myself off of Birdie and whipped around to see Rick and Summer standing outside of the car .
"W-what the??" My face was beet red and Rick ripped open the car door.
"We're leaving early to beat the crowds are you coming or not?" Rick snapped . He seemed pissed. Like, more so than he usually seemed. Rick reached a boney hand to grab me and Birdie intercepted , grabbing his wrist tightly.
"Who the fuck are you? Get the fuck away from him he's clearly scared." Birdie threatened.
   That's when Rick boredly used his free hand to reach in his lab coat and pull out some futuristic looking gun and aimed is straight at Birdie's head .
"Rick!" Summer and I cried in unison . Birdie let go of Rick and raised his arms to protect himself . Rick then grabbed me out of the car and dragged me hard by my wrist into a now repaired spaceship.
       Practically getting thrown into the ship I scrambled and sat in the backseat . As Rick wordlessly lifted off . The ship was quiet as Rick angrily took swigs from his flask. I looked at Summer who looked back at me .
"What did I do?" I whispered
Summer shrugged "I have no clue but he's pisseedddd."
Rick loudly cleared his throat and we both stopped talking .
      I sat back and watched in amazement as we soared through space . But then I noticed Summer was on her phone and Rick was still angrily powering through his flask. Am I really the only one impressed with this? I shook my head and went back to watching all the stars and planets soar past.
"We're here." Rick grunted.
   I stood up and looked through the front window, in front of us was an entire planet covered with the tallest and biggest buildings I'd ever seen.
"Wow..." I breathed
Rick smirked and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I wish he wasn't so damn impressive !
"Woah , hell yeah ! I've been wanting to come here for like, ever!" Summer beamed.
      Rick landed the ship in what seemed to be a parking space and we got out. There were buildings and towers as far as the eye could see. We all walked inside where aliens of all different sizes and shapes roamed around. Surprisingly , the layout seemed very similar to that of an Earth mall. Except ya know, absolutely ginormous . Summer was grinning ear to ear.
"Oh yeah . I can't wait to show off these alien trends to all the losers on Earth." She said.
"Y-yeah go crazy kid." Rick said sweetly .
         We walked and shopped for hours, Rick still seemed pissed at me. My small talk and questions were ignored and Summer was too busy investigating stores to be much of a help. We stood in front of a row of changing rooms while Summer tried on some new stuff.
"So have you guys been here before?" I tried again
Rick just took a swig of his flask and didn't respond.
I sighed .
"Okay what's your problem dude. Every since you saw me..." I trailed off as a thought crossed my head. No? Right? There's no way.
"Rick... are you ... jealous?"
    Ricks head snapped to look at me and he snarled like a wild animal. Grabbing me by my shirt he pulled me into an open changing room and slammed the door shut.
"Listen here you pretentious little cunt." He threatened with a finger jabbed right at my face. "Jealous?? Me , jealous of what? That you whore yourself out to any guy that looks like he's from a shitty early 2000s music video?? That's your problem not mine." He grabbed me by my choker and pushed me roughly against the wall. "I finger fuck you once and what? You think you fucking know me? You d-don't know shit! Y-you even got all prettied up for that douchebag too? What a fucking joke!" I opened my mouth to defend myself when Rick dove in hungrily . He kissed me so intense and wildly I had to grip onto his chest for stability . His have moved from my choker onto my bare neck and he squeezed , hard. I gasped and he stuck his tongue down my throat. He tasted like booze. I whined into his mouth and his grip on my neck tightened dangerously .
"Open up" he said jamming two fingers in my mouth , I moaned quietly and he removed his fingers before spitting in my mouth and forcing my mouth close.
"B-be a good-urrppp boy and swallow."
     With tears threatening to spill over my eyes from the sudden intense situation I swallowed and for the first time that day, Rick smiled.
"See? I'm not jealous. I'm Rick fucking Sanchez. I ca-can fucking do whatever I want . Where I want."
    All I could do was dumbly nod in agreement. He kissed me softly before applying tremendous pressure to my shoulders, forcing me on my knees. I looked up in shock before slightly batting him away.
"R-Rick! Someone could catch us... and Summer is-"
"Summer is fine. She's probably still trying on clothes or shopping some more."
       He grabbed the back of my (H/L) hair and brought my face dangerously close to his obvious clothes erection. I put my hands up on his thighs to brace myself and looked up at his through half-lidded lashes.
"Well?" He asked
        Realizing he was asking for my consent all I could do was eagerly nod. He grinned and his grip on my hair tightened; he rubbed my face into his crotch and let out a moan. My pussy throbbed at the sound of it and I whined .
"What a-a good boy." Rick encouraged
        A little too eagerly I worked on undoing his pants, dropping his pants and leaving him in his underwear. I rubbed his erection through his underwear and he sweetly ran his hand through my hair.
"A-as much as I love all the little games we don't have all the time in the world baby." He crooned
      I took notice of the pet name and lowered his underwear to release his already leaking hard cock. I ran my pierced tongue over the slit and he groaned again.
"Don't be a tease." He warned.
Obediently, I sank down onto his rather large cock and used my hands on the parts I couldn't take in my mouth. Without waiting for me to adjust he winded up both his hands in my (H/C) hair and began thrusting into my mouth. I looked up at him with watery eyes and moved my tongue along his shaft as he pounded away at my throat.
"God... such a good boy for me.." He whispered under his breath.
My hands tightened around his thighs and I tried my best to suppress a cough that was nagging the back of my throat. Soon it became to much and I pulled away and coughed into my arms trying to be as quiet as I could be. Rick grabbed my face and rubbed his wet cock all over it. I put my tongue out and he lazily slapped the tip against it a couple times . I went back down on him and this time he sat patiently and let me do the moving. I bobbed up and down on his cock as he stroked the back of my head.
"Good little w-whore just like that. Show me how much you like daddy's cock."
    My head was completely fogged up and playing into his words I replied breathlessly through half lidded eyes.
"I love daddy's cock so much."
    Ricks eyes widened and I felt his cock twitch , then something snapped and he grabbed my head and fucked the shit out of my throat. I moaned loudly unable to control it anymore .
"Yeah I kn-know you love it. You can try to replace me with all the jacked up douchebags as y-you want but you'll always think back to me." He taunted . I nodded in agreement excitedly.
"Fuck I'm gonna-!"
He shot his hot load down my throat and I stayed put on his cock until I had swallowed all of it. Releasing his cock with a 'pop'
   Then he did something I didn't expect. He sank to his knees and grabbed my face and kissed me, very passionately. I moaned into him and threw my hands around his neck, putting my body weight into him.  "You feel so good." He said breathlessly into my ear.  "I could get used to this" he murmured. My heart was beating out of control I was scared he could hear it. He could get used to this? What does that mean right as I was about to ask him about it the door to the changing room ripped open and a very angry alien stood there. Rick looked up and smiled sheepishly .
      We were quickly thrown out of the store and I was beyond embarrassed.
"Nice going assh-" I started to scold Rick when Summer came jogging up, a dozen bags in her hands.
"Woah! What'd you guys do?" Summer asked . Before I could say anything Rick snarled angrily
"Your dumbass friend here got caught trying to steal!" He said angrily jabbing his thumb into my chest. I opened my mouth to protest but Summer just laughed "is that why you were crying? You have eyeliner running all down your face!" Rick and I froze but I went along with it.
"Y-yeah! It was scary okay!" I lied swiftly. I looked to Rick who was smirking, he shot me a sly little wink and I felt my face flush.
"As fun as this has been it'll take me like, a year to go to all these stores. You guys ready to dip and go eat?" Summer offered. We all agreed and made our way out of the super shopping center, towards Rick's spaceship

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