Chapter 4

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Me: hey! I'm bored. Wyd?

Summer: also bored. Wanna hangout?

     It had been about a week since the party at Summer's and I had been antsy to get back over there. I still hadn't heard from the tattoo shop I'd applied to and being unemployed and basically friendless had me extremely restless. So getting dressed I made my way over to Summer's house yet again. Secretly hoping to run in to her grandpa while I was there.
      Knocking at the door a curvy blonde woman opened the door and I was puzzled.
"Hi , can I help you?" She said smoothly
"Oh! Um. Im summer's friend? (Y/N)" I nervously introduced myself. This must be Summer's mom I thought . The woman smiled brightly and introduced herself as Beth, before letting me in the house. Walking in awkwardly I met eyes with who I assumed was Summer's dad. I politely waved and he narrowed his eyes at me.
"Beth... who is this?" The man questioned.
"This is (Y/N) he's summer's new little friend" Beth explained. She turned heel and pointed upstairs "She's up in her room, make yourself at home!". Just as I was about to do just that the man scoffed.
"So we're just gonna let our daughter hang out with boys alone in her room now?? This kid looks like a punk!" He gestured wildly at me . I felt awkward and Beth gasped . "Jerry, have some trust in our daughter . Im sure (Y/N) is a wonderful person, don't be so judgmental." She threatened.
"U-um Summer is just a friend , it's not like that" I stuttered .
      Beth smiled at me again and ushered me off upstairs before turning furiously to her husband. As I ascended the stairs I heard some fired up bickering downstairs and couldn't help but feel guilty.
      I made my way to what I assumed was Summer's room and found her sitting silently playing on her phone.
"I don't think your dad likes me too much." I half heartedly joked.
"Yeah, I kinda figured he'd be an ass. Just ignore him." Summer said cooly.
      She put her phone down and looked at me.
"So what's new with you?" She questioned .
"Just looking for a new job." I admitted.
      Summer hummed and leaned back .
"Grandpa and Morty are out on some adventure so I'm stuck here bored as hell." She complained.
"Adventure?" I asked.
"Yeah. Grandpa Rick goes across space and different dimensions on crazy ass adventures and shit. He usually only takes Morty though." She explained
       Usually I wouldn't believe such a ridiculous statement but remembering all the aliens at the party a week ago, I fully believed what Summer was saying.
"So you've been to space?"
"Woah. That's like, insane!" I exclaimed
        Summer smiled and fiddled with her hair.
"Yeah it can get pretty wild. If you stick around long enough maybe I can convince Rick to take you on an adventure too."
       My heart leapt in my throat. A space adventure... with Rick? I tried to keep my cool .
"Y-yeah man, that would be pretty cool." I said.
      Summer eyed me suspiciously and I felt a nervous sweat start to break out . Finally she just hummed in agreement and went back to playing on her phone.
      Right as I was about to strike up a conversation my phone rang .
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey (Y/N) , it's Birdie. Just wanted to call to tell you you got the job. When can you start?"
I kicked my feet excitedly and Summer looked at me questioningly .
"O-oh! Awesome! Thank you so much ! I can start as soon as possible !"
"Cool, come in at 11 this Monday ." Birdie replied calmly.
"I'll be there."
   I hung up the phone and squealed in excitement .
"What was that?" Summer asked.
"I just got a new job! I'll finally be tattooing again." I cheered
     Summer gave me a hyped cheer of approval and I was grinning ear to ear. A new friend, a new job, the possibility of space adventures. and the enigma of Rick Sanchez... it was all too much!
    Just then a crashing boom! Sounded throughout the house and I jumped out of my skin. I looked frantically at Summer who didn't seem to care one bit .
"Rick and Morty must be back." She explained nonchalantly.
     Rising from her seat Summer ushered me to follow her and I did. As we made our way through the house we passed Beth and Jerry who were quietly watching tv. Was all this space adventuring and inventing so normal In this house that no one even cared? My thoughts were interrupted as we approached the garage. A nervous knot formed in my stomach and I got flashbacks of the last time I was in this garage. When Rick... I shook the thought from my head and followed Summer inside .
     What appeared to be a spaceship sat half embedded in the ground, it looked as if it had crashed . The hatch opened and a bloody and bruised Rick scrambled out of the ship. He didn't sport his usual lab coat and his blue turtleneck was ripped and shredded, showing his lean abdomen. I quickly looked anywhere but Rick to keep my cool.
"Damn what happened to you guys?" Summer asked  flatly.
"R-Rick! Rick decided t-to fucking risk our lives for some shitty crystals !" A bloodied Morty cried.
"These crystals are worth more than your shitty life Morty!" Spat Rick harshly.
   I was taken aback by Rick's harsh words and Morty stormed past Summer and I into the house. Rick leaned against his work desk and groaned in agony. He clutched a gash on his arm. Suddenly ice blue eyes met my (E/C) ones and my breath hitched
"The fuck you looking at (Y/N?" He growled lowly.
"I-I - nothing I just?" I squeaked out.
"Don't be a dick Grandpa. I'll go grab your cellxularg healing serum." Summer said before exiting the garage , leaving Rick and I alone.
"A-are you okay?" I asked softly
    Rick sat on top of his desk and threw his head back. I watched his adam's apple bob up and down and his chest rise and fall under his shredded shirt.
"Sh-shut up. Be useful and put these in that box for me" he grunted out, handing me a handful of iridescent gemstones.
      I carefully held the stones in my hand and walked to the box Rick had pointed to. It was a purple box with no remarkable features yet when I put the stones in it, a cyan ray of light shot out and I watched in amazement as the crystals were vaporized into a fine dust.
"So what makes these crystals so special?" I asked.
Rick scoffed "y-you wouldn't even begin to understand that. J-just stick to using that pretty head of yours for making art"
".... You, you think I'm pretty?"

Ricks P.O.V

".... You, you think I'm pretty?" (Y/N) asked innocently.
    I lifted my head to look at them and my breath caught in my chest. They were looking at me with wide (E/C) eyes I had never noticed before. His (H/C) hair cutely framing his face . His eyebrows raised in question . He walked within arms reach of me, still with that look on his face.
Yes (Y/N) was quite pretty.
And it pisses me off.
I scowled and leaned forward, looming over him. I grabbed him by his jaw and his eyes widened in shock. I smiled to myself seeing his face change to one of shock and anxiety . Licking my bloody lips I sneered
"You better fucking watch yourself boy. I'm not your little boyfriend."
     I watched as his face instantly flushed red and he stuttered to try to save himself. Hearing the knob to the garage turn I released my grip on his jaw and leaned back, feeling satisfied.

(Y/N) P.O.V

       My heart was in my throat as Summer casually made her way over to Rick , helping him administer the healing serum. I felt so embarrassed, of course Rick wasn't interested in me. I was just his grandkid's friend. My chest ached and I suddenly felt less than comfortable standing awkwardly in Rick's garage.
"U-um! You seem to be busy now so I'm gonna go." I stuttered .
Summer looked surprised but didn't put up a fight.
"Oh okay (Y/N). I'll text ya later." She said casually .
      With my chest empty and a knot in my stomach I quickly left Rick's garage.

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