Chapter 7

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Resisting the urge to nod off to sleep in the backseat of Rick's spaceship, I watched the stars and planets zip by. Today was so much fun, like nothing I had ever experienced before!

My eyes shot to Rick in the front seat who was lazily drinking from his flask whilst driving. He looked so... cool. Tall and lean, perfectly framed by his long lab coat. Wild blue hair , sharp jawline- Summer suddenly clearing her throat snapped me out of my ogling and I flushed . A pang of guilt seared through me. This was my new friends fucking grandpa ! And with each time I interacted with him... the more undeniably attracted I felt towards him.

Thoughts of the incident in the changing room came to mind and I couldn't help but let them replay on loop in my head. I know nothing real would ever come of this weird fling with Rick, but for the time being I just couldn't care.

Approaching the parking lot of my work that Rick and Summer had unceremoniously captured me from, I paled . Red and blue lights swarmed the area with angry flashing and I saw a crowd of people standing outside- Including my parents. My fists tightened with frustration .

"Woahh! Looks like someone's in troublee ~" Summer teased

I tried to laugh along but as we neared the ground I felt my heart in my throat.  I could see the officers chatting amongst themselves as the whole crowd eyed the approaching spaceship hesitantly.

"Ughg." I couldn't help but groan in anxiety

We parked and Rick wordlessly opened the hatch for us all to clamber out. I squinted against the bright flashing lights and met eyes with- Birdie. Suddenly I was filled with rage as I stormed up to him and pushed him, hard.

"You called the fucking cops?!?!" I shrieked .

"That fucking tyrant pulled a gun on me then dragged you away!" He defended himself .

I groaned and grabbed fistfuls of my hair in frustration. Then I worked on explaining to the police that I was in fact, okay, and they could leave. That's when a whiny voice broke through my words

"She's always been... a bit of a troublemaker." My mother said patronizingly to Birdie.

My heart clenched as I saw both Summer and Birdie's faces flash with confusion.

"Young lady, what on Earth have you done? You're on your own for a few weeks, and we get a call from the cops that you had been captured by some man in a spaceship?" My mother chastised .

"I told you she would just get into trouble." My dad chimed in.

"...she?" Summer questioned confusedly .

Then I saw it click . I saw a face of realization wash over my friend and I couldn't bare to be there anymore.

I wasn't ashamed of being transgender , but when you try to go stealth- being outed for being trans was heartbreaking . That was something that was supposed to come from me, not anybody else.

"Leave me the fuck alone." I growled
"I didn't ask for anybody's help. I was out with my friends is that a crime ? Am I not allowed to do anything without your permission? I'm a goddamn adult ! Stop trying to pry your way into my life!" I punctuated my statement with a jab of my finger into  my mothers bony chest.

My mother raised a hand to strike me but when I braced for impact it never came.

"Let's-urrrRRRP settle down." Rick said flatly.

I looked to see he had intercepted my mothers swing and grabbed her by her wrist. She yanked free and scowled at me but I turned tail and left.

It was all too much, I couldn't stand to be here one more minute. Wordlessly I got into my car, and left.

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