Chapter 9

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The bright crisp morning light seemed to poke me in my eyes till I wearily fluttered them open for the day. I yawned and stretched, sitting up in my bed when I felt a thick pile of fabric fall off of me.

Rick's lab coat.

Memories of last night came flooding and I silently cursed myself for acting so desperate . I had practically begged the man to stay! How humiliating ! I bunched my hands up in the soft fabric of the lab coat and my heart pounded in my chest. Why did he leave this here? I closed my eyes and raised the bundle of fabric to my face before taking a deep breath in. It smelled overwhelmingly of Rick. It smelled ... good.


A few hours later I tidied up my house and texted Birdie an apology.

Me: hey, sorry about yesterday. I was super overwhelmed and anxious and I shouldn't have lashed out.

Birdie: it's alright, thank you for apologizing
Birdie: we cool?

Me: yeah :) we're cool

Birdie: great , I'll see you at work . Try not to have your friends come kidnap you on the clock next time okay?

Me: of course, sorry!

After the fiasco that happened yesterday I was nervous to head into work . First I made out with my boss then I ended the day by yelling at him. Not exactly a great start to our workplace dynamic .

Luckily for me though it seemed Birdie was as eager to forget about everything as I was, because when I came in for my shift he was completely polite and normal.

"G'morning (Y/N)" he greeted in his usual cheery tone

I smiled and returned the greeting before making my way towards my booth. I busied myself by sorting through my equipment when Birdie slipped into the small booth .

"We got a walk in, I figured I'd let you handle it?" He offered

Yes! Finally . The more you could work, the more money you could make towards not living like a poverty stricken young adult anymore . You graciously agreed and your boss shot you his pearly white smile.

"Good boy" he praised before leaving your booth.

You were a bit taken aback by the pet name but tried to act unaffected. Your client made their way back to you and you got started on chatting about what they wanted.


Closing time came quicker than expected and you had gotten away with around a hundred fifty dollars for the day. Better than nothing that's for sure!

You were tidying up your space when your boss once again made his way into the small area. You smiled politely at him and continued your work when he made his way painfully close to you.

"I was... worried about you." He murmured.
He gently grabbed your arms and rubbed small circles into them. You felt a flash of guilt wash over you.

"I'm sorry... that must've been scary since you didn't know what was going on." I sympathized .

Birdie closed the space between you two and embraced you gently. Despite his actions being gentle you couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable at the sudden affection. You cleared your throat and backed away a little bit, looking up at him with wide (E/C) eyes.

Running a large hand through your (H/C) hair he looked into your eyes. Your heart was beating hard in your chest and you were unsure what to make of the situation.

Yesterday you would've been all over the chance to be this close to him, what changed? Why did this feel... like too much?

He leaned in towards me and I whimpered and turned my head to avoid the possibility of a kiss. Instead he took to leaving small open mouth kisses along the side of my neck and I found myself grabbing on to his muscular frame to steady myself.

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