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The forest is my home.

Warnings ; Animal death, gore, eating raw animals

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Warnings ; Animal death, gore, eating raw animals. Gross descriptions.

You ran around the forest, chasing rabbits and racoons, the grass getting between your toes and any stray rock and twig scratched at your feet, but you didn't mind. The grass was a beautiful green, still glistening from the recent rainfall, the trees provided a great amount of shade, only small rays of sunlight shining through.

Flowers blooming, pink, white and red type things growing on the ground. Swaying slightly as you ran past them with a gust of wind. The cold wind tickling your naked skin.

The Rabbit ran into a puddle of shiny water, splashing as it ran for its life. Little droplets from the rabbits splash came to your leg, wetting your skin.. You were gaining on the rabbit, your legs pumping deadly fast as you hunt your prey. Excited and grunting as you get closer to the poor thing, it was getting tired, slowing down slightly as fatigue set in. you jump up, making your final move to pounce .

You growled as you fall onto a rabbit, it was struggling and yelping under your crushing weight. You grab the thing by it's neck, lifting it in front of your face.You sat there, staring into its pitch black beady eyes. The rabbit squirmed and thrashed as you held it by it's skin. staring at it curiously. its fur was white but a little dirty at the bottom.

it's pink paws kicking at you as you stare at it, focusing in. you reach up to grab its neck with your other hand. dropping the other hand as you start to squeeze it's neck. Not tight enough to suffocate but enough to have a strong grip on the kicking and squirming rabbit. you lay that rabbit on its back, it tried to get in its feet by twisting and turning to run. You were surprised that the thing hadn't had a heart attack by now and died by its own just from the fear. You were used to them doing that, [You didn't actually know it was a heart attack the rabbits were having] They always started shaking and then locking up. their mouths would droop open and there eyes would pop out more then they usually would.

you hold the rabbit to the ground, looking around for the nearest heavy item. You spot a moderately large rock. reaching over as far as you could to grab it, you sat back in position, the rabbit still on its back, but not struggling as much as before, You swing your arm back with the rock and hand, focusing in on where to hit, You swing your arm forward, Aiming directly at the rabbits head. And with one swift motion The rabbit was dead. it's skull crushed..

Blood and brains splattered from underneath the rock, the warm crimson splattered on your naked thighs and stomach, The blood in the rabbits white fur. you lift the rock up to reveal the crushed rabbits head.

You throw the rock to the side and start picking, taking off pieces of the rabbits skull to reveal its brain. you twist its head off and peel its skin, eyes and fur off and throw it to the side. Opening the skull more, you stick your pinky inside of the opening you made and push its brain out, you examine the thing, it's brain was pale, small, and slimey, Still covered in the jelly like substance you had seen in other animals you had killed. [cerebrospinal fluid]

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