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my partner is a devil..?!

tw; slight gore

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tw; slight gore.

You stand quietly next to two men in front of makima, they were tall, and scary. You were only used to seeing women at this point because the woman who would bring you water and food was some nice old lady with a pink tie instead of a black one on her uniform. You shake the thought of the pink tie lady out of your head, listening to makima talk.. Something makima said made you jump. " Today, you'll be going with him." You look up from your feet, frightened at the thought of leaving makima with some strange man.

"He's been here for three years now, his name is hayakawa Aki." You look back down, tightness in your throat started to rise of the thought of having to leave makimas protection. You stayed silent. "I thought i would be working with youuu.!!?" The other boy shouted sadly. You guess he felt the same as you

The boy named Aki grabbed the other by his shirt collar as he dragged him away, you look at makima one last time before you follow and she smiles at you, whispering something about a reward in blood, making you pipe up and smile brightly before shutting the door behind you. "Come on we're patrolling."

you follow close behind for dear life as the loud crowd surrounded you. You heart thundering loudly against your chest as crowds of people walk past you, chattering with someone beside them, holding a baby, couples, families. It was all too much and was overwhelming your senses, making you tremble. neither boy had even noticed you yet because you still haven't spoken to either one, since makima trusts his these people to go in a mission with you, you should trust them too right.?? You look up trying to find denji's hair in the crowd, and when you finally find it you see Aki beckoning the both of you into an ally way. You nod at him and follow Denji and him into the alley way.

You stand side by side with denji as you stare at Aki questioningly, Denji finally glances at you. 'When did she show up..? Has she been here the whole time..? i wonder what her boobs looked like when she was walking..' he thought, his eyes trailing down but before he could see them he got socked in the face by a deadly right hook. You freeze, shocking by the fact Aki punched him so hard.

You stare at denji, your heart beating fast, your breath starting to accelerate. your eyes wide and your mouth slightly agape. Your brain didn't even have time to process the fact that aki's fist now came to you. He sucker punched you right in the stomach, making you collapse immediately after, holding your stomach on the floor and whimpering guttural sound of pain. drooling on the floor from in, your mouth watering so much and so fast, You felt like you were so close to throwing up but nothing came out but a mix of small amounts of stomach acid and Makima's blood.. You fall to your side on the floor as Aki picks up denji from the wall and knees him directly in the stomach, making him fall on some stray trash bags. Aki then turns to you, grabbing you by your shirts collar and throwing you on top of denji.

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