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"You speak any language?"

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"You speak any language?"

Your bite your lip, thinking about how you could respond to him. "Le-rn." He looked down at you, his lips curled into a small smile. "Aren't you a bit too old to be learning..?"

you look around, examining the area of any landmarks before you think of a response. You look at him blankly once again, shrugging your shoulders and letting out a quiet " i dunto" he smiled at your meekness, tilting his head to examine your features as you awkwardly try to avoid eye contact. Your heart beating as you pretend you can't see him staring in your peripheral.

"your not a devil man... or a fein either, How interesting." you side eye him slightly, confused at what he was trying to imply. You had overheard denji's and aki's conversation at the house the other day, so you knew vaguely what a fein was... but a devil man? you had never heard of that, or you at least don't remember if you have.

"dever ma-am"  you look up at the boy curiously, waiting for him to infer what you were asking him to explain. but instead he grasped the sides of your face gently, "look at me" he guided you head to face his, your cheeks getting hot as anxiety grew like roots through your body. "Repeat after me, de-vil ma-n" he emphasized every syllable, dragging out the words in order for you to hear them well. you swallow down the growing lump in your throat as you focus on doing as told "De...vil ma-an..?"

his face lights up and a smile grows on his face as he looks down at you. "Good jobb!!" he gently pats your cheek as he lets go of your face, guiding you to continue walking again. "But to answer your question, a devil man is a human corpse taken over by a devil." you stay silent after he finished his explanation, taking in the information he had given you as you scan your surroundings for landmarks once again. Spotting the 24 hour soup place you had always seen when nearing aki's apartment.

A silence grows, you awkwardly fidgeting with your hands as you look everywhere but at him, you can't say you didn't enjoy his company, after all you were never left to your own devices ever since makima had taken you in , you had gotten accustomed to always being watched over by someone , wether it be makima , denji or aki.

"i think your here.." he spoke up, snapping you out of your thoughts. a relieved smile grazing your lips as you see the entrance to aki's apartment. looking back at the boy, clasping your hands together in thanks. He smirked down at you, his purplish brown eyes examining your every feature as if he hadn't gotten a good look earlier, his dark brown hair messily framing his face. " Nice meeting you .." he motions you into the direction of the apartment complex, giving you the opportunity to leave without making you too nervous.

"Nice- mee-ing you!" you repeat after him, enthusiastically. Slightly excited because of your improved pronunciation, he stayed quiet for a minute, turning your enthusiasm into embarrassment.

And almost like a switch. his blank expression lit up, a bright smile grew on his lips as he looked down at you, his hands instinctively caressing your face. "Good job!!" he praised you eagerly, rubbing your hair gently before retracting his hands and putting them into his pockets. " Im proud of you, maybe i can teach you more [japanese/english] sometime" you nod enthusiastically, you wanted to learn more, so you can communicate with others as well as aki or makima does! you were about to respond but a familiar, stern voice rang from above," ABYSS!."making you jump as you head snaps upwards to see where the voice came from, It was Aki, he was leaning over the balcony staring at the boy and you. your gaze goes back down to meet the boys eyes." see you later then" he said, smiling and gently caressed you shoulder before walking forward. you quickly turn and walk into the lobby of the building, eager to finally be in the comfort of aki's home.

despite the adventure being an overall positive experience, being away from everyone who was so familiar to you and instead with a complete stranger completely stressed you out. the anxiety had clouded your mind in the moment, stopping yourself from asking a question you probably should've... 'how did he know where i lived ...?' you hurriedly make your way up the stairs to aki's apartment.finally making it onto his floor.. Aki was standing with his arms folded infront oh his door. waiting for you to arrive.. you nervously make your way closer, intimidated by his stone cold expression.

you finally get in front of him, hoping he would be angry that you were so late. he blocked the door, dread growing within you as a river of thoughts flow through your head. Aki unfolded his arms and examined you up and down. " i'm surprised you knew your way back.. I completely forgot you were still in the hospital room with denji- i- i apologize for leaving you behind." he put his head down, he only realized you were gone when he went out in the balcony to smoke, only to see you on the street with some highschool student. 'at least it wasn't a creepy old man.. i just hope he wasn't anything like denji...' aki put his head down slightly , half in shame and half in thought. He had gotten so distracted because of how annoying power and denji were being. "it's okey" you smile meekly at him, fidgeting with your hands. aki stared at you, his hair that's usually tied up now draping on his neck and messily framing his face.

his dark blue eyes stared into yours , your heartbeat quickened, your hands getting sweaty, you weren't accustomed to eye contact. aki blinked and looked away rubbing his neck as he turned around to start opening the door. He cracked it open slowly, turning back to you for a moment, " Denji and power are already asleep.... so be quiet"

aki grabbed your wrist, leading you slowly into the house as to not make any noise, he lead you past where denji and power were both snoring, into his room. closing the door behind you. he was already in his pajama's, and he didn't want you sleeping in your outside clothing, so he quietly searching his drawers for something comfortable for you to wear, deciding on a white t- shirt and boxer shorts. he tossed them to you, motioning for you to change before he turned his back as to give you some privacy. you follow his instructions, quickly stripped and changing into what aki had given you. You decided on leaving your clothes and shoes on the floor, planning on picking them up in the morning.

aki had already gotten into the bed, back facing you, it was dark except for the pale illumination from the moon. you crawl under the covers, pulling them up to your nose as the sound of the constant fan rings through your ears, aki's faint breathing, power and denji's snoring muffled through the walls. all working in sync to lull you into sleep..

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