Chapter Nineteen

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*Awkwardly walks in and waves* Um hey. It's been a while... Sorry... You guys get another POV in this chapter! Let me know what you think?

I was leaning over the sink to reach the window. It was too stuffy inside, so I wanted to let some air in.

"Guuuus!" I whined. "I can't open the window. Esther is in the way and I'm getting tangled in all these stupid tubes." I heard Gus laugh before he sauntered into the kitchen.

"Well that won't be for too much longer. One of those, anyway," he shrugged, leaning forwards and effortlessly opening the window. I smiled up at him before my smile fell and I let out a loud cry of pain, clutching my stomach. I leant over forwards, fingers digging into my skin as the shriek fell from my lips.

Gus jumped forwards to catch me before I buckled over.

"Hazel! Babe, are you okay?" he questioned quickly, his tone anxious. "What's wrong?"

"B-Baby," I stuttered out, taking a deep gasp for breath. "Baby- Esther is coming."

I don't know what I was expecting contractions to feel like. Not this, for certain. I was having a hard enough time breathing as it is, but this immense pressure was making it all the more difficult. I didn't hear what Gus muttered in response before I blacked out from the pain and small amount of air I was managing to suck in.

When I woke up, I was back in the hospital. I feel a drip in my back - an epidural. I wouldn't even try to give birth without it. The pain was getting worse and lasting longer with every contraction. I had Gus' hand clamped so tightly in mine that his fingers were turning purple. He didn't seem to notice, and right now I really didn't care if it hurt him.

Another shriek of pain that settled into a whimper flew from my mouth as the pain tore through me. I was already drenched in sweat and tears. A few more couldn't hurt.

"Ah, 'ello again, Mrs Waters," smiled the European nurse who had treated me a few weeks earlier. "Time for us to meet little Miss Waters, I see."

"Just hurry up and get this damn kid out of me!" I growled. I was being rude, but I honestly didn't care right now. I needed this baby out of me, and now.

"You are not quite dialated enough, Mrs Waters. We will have to wait, maybe ten minutes," she replied calmly.

"Ten more minutes of this?" I cried.

"I am afraid so," she frowned. "I will bring your doctor in."

As she left the room, I turned to Gus with tears in my eyes.

"I don't think I can do this," I sobbed. "Oh my God, Gus. It hurts so much."

"Shh, it's okay, babe," he whispered as he pushed a clump of hair out of my face. "You'll do great. This will all be over soon enough and then we'll have out little Esther."

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