Chapter five

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So... How did you like the cliffhanger? :P I decided not to be nasty and not upload for months and force myself to write a chapter. I have the whole thing planned out, but I'm still having writers block with getting it out in the form of a readable story. But you shall have a chapter now!


Tj <3

I stared incredulously at Augustus. My hands were covering my gaping mouth and my eyes were wider than they had ever been. He shifted awkwardly under my gaze.

"Hazel Grace? Will you?" he repeated nervously.

"Of course I will!" I cried, finally breaking out of my stupor, a stupid grin spreading out over my face. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Of course I will, Augustus!"

He laughed in relief before gently sliding the ring on to my finger. He kissed my hand before getting back up on his feet.

His expression matched mine as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. My response was automatic: I kissed him back, my fingers lacing into his hair.

"I love you, Hazel Grace," he murmured into the kiss.

"I love you too, Gus."


After a little while longer, we came out of the blue forest and made our way back to the TARDIS. I still had a stupid grin plastered on my face, whereas Gus was just looking down at me, smiling fondly.

As soon as the Doctor spotted us, he smiled knowingly, but I couldn't help noticing a twinge of sadness flicker over his face. At least, I think I did.

I decided to ignore it, and focus my attention to convincing Gus to swim with me in the Emerald Lake. It took some pressing and pouts, but eventually he caved in and agreed.

We got changed inside the TARDIS and hurried back outside. Augustus was still hesitant, but he followed me out all the same. He was mostly nervous about the Doctor saying something about his prosthetic, but if he thought of something to say, he didn't say it.

I ran straight into the water and smiled when I felt the warmth surround me. I turned around to face Gus who was standing on the bank.

"You coming in?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Huh? Yeah," he blinked a few times and shook his head to clear it. He sat on the bank, took off his fake leg and slid into the water. "Mmm. Warm," he smiled.

"I told you!" I grinned and swam over to him. I sat on the rock next to the one he was sitting on and wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into his shoulder. "Have told you that I love you?"

He grinned back to me and put an arm around me, holding me close.

"Hazel Grace, you have told me a thousand times over with just one word. And that word was 'yes'."

I giggled like a child and reached up to kiss his cheek. As I did so, I caught a glimpse of the Doctor watching us from afar. He had a sad expression on his face and when his gaze met mine, he looked down and walked back into the TARDIS.

There was something upsetting the Doctor, and I wanted to know what.


Gus and I stayed in the water for a while longer. We swam, splashed about, floated on the surface holding hands and we kissed.

We dried off, Gus reattached fake limbs and we went back inside. The Doctor was sitting on one of the seats next to the console. He was playing with something small. I couldn't see what it was, but it was shiny.

"What have you got there?" I asked light heartedly.

"What, this?" he mumbled, holding up the shiny thing. I sat next to him and had a good look at it. It was an engagement ring.

To be honest, I was expecting him to put it away in his pocket and pretend it wasn't there, but he didn't. He showed it to me.

My eyes widened a little when I saw it.

"Wow. It's pretty. Who's the lucky lady?" I grinned and wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

"She was... A very good friend of mine." he said softly, smiling sadly at the memory.

"Was?" I mumbled.

"Yes, was. She's not around anymore."

"Okay," I nodded. "What was she like? Was she pretty?"

"Oh, she was amazing," his smile turned to one of love as he fiddled with the ring. "She was the kindest, most considerate person I have ever met. And God, was she beautiful."

"What was her name?" I asked with a smile. He paused.

"Rose," he mumbled. "Rose Tyler."

Ooooooooh!!! Rose, eh? Did any of you guess? Leave me a comment if you did! To be honest, this was only going to be a small filler chapter, but it turned out to be a hell of a lot longer than I expected :P

Now. I have something very important to say.





Love you all!!

Tj <3

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