Chapter Fourteen

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Hellooo! One note, I've changed Rose into Mrs Waters' cousin rather than her aunt. And I didn't know what Mrs Waters' name was supposed to be so I called her Melanie

tj xx

The Doctor was getting restless waiting for the week to pass. He begged Gus and I to let him hop in the TARDIS and go forward a week, but we wouldn't let him. We figured it would be good for him to see how normal people lived.

"But linear time is so boring!" he whined for quite literally the 50th time this week. (Gus was keeping a tally.)

"We are aware. You've only got a couple more hours to go," I smiled as I flicked through the tv guide, trying to find something good on.

"But there's nothing to do! I've cleaned everything, I've cooked everything I can think of-"

"Indeed you have. Now we're stocked for food for the next few years," I chuckled.

"Oh ha ha, Hazel Grace," he pouted.

"Three hours, Doctor. That's all that's left to go."

He continued pouting with folded arms when Gus came back in.

"Good news, Doctor," he smiled as he sat next to me on the couch, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Rose is gonna be here in half an hour. She got an earlier plane."

The Doctor's face lit up, but dropped when Gus spoke again.

"But there's some bad news too," he frowned.

"What? What is it?" The Doctor demanded as he jumped to his feet.

"She's coming from a funeral."

"What? Who's funeral? Did Pete die again? Jackie? Who died?"

There was a quiet pause.

"Her husband died. She's coming with her daughter."



Gus and I sat quietly on the couch while The Doctor sat in the TARDIS by himself.

"Do you think he'll be alright? I mean, when he sees Rose. He hasn't seen her in a very long time and she's now a widow with a child," I frowned.

"He'll be fine," Augustus smiled as he played with my hair. "They'll be happy to se each other."

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. "No point fretting about it now. She's gonna be here any minute."

And at that, there was a knock at the door.

Rose was here.


 Mrs Waters opened the door to see her cousin. 

 "Rosie!" she smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"Hello Melanie," Rose smiled, her british accent contrasting against Melanie's american one. "Violet, are you going to say hello to Aunty Mels?"

Rose's four-year-old daughter peeked out from behind her mother, "Hello Aunty Mels," she said softly. "Is Gussy here?"

"He sure is, darling," Melanie replied. "He's here with someone very special."

"Who is it?"

"Gussy is here with his wife."

"Augustus is married?" Rose asked in shock. "I thought he was only nineteen?"

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