Chapter Three

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Hi guys! This chapter has a big explanation, for all of you who read the last chapter! Hope you like it!


Tj <3

I looked in horror at the person in front of me. My eyes flickered between him and the Doctor. "Is this some kind of sick joke? My boyfriend is dead and you decide to trick me into thinking he is alive again?" I spat at the Doctor. "How could you be any more disgusting?"

"Hazel Grace, I can assure you-" began the Doctor before I cut him off.

"No! Don't call me Hazel Grace! You don't know me and I don't know you!" I pointed an accusing finger at him. "And you honestly expect me to believe that Augustus, the only guy I ever truly loved, is alive again?"

"Yes, I do" he replied. "He is standing right here."

"No!" I said again, tears welling up in my eyes. "Gus is dead and nothing can bring him back!" I buried my face in my hands as I began to sob. "Nothing can bring back to me! No matter how hard I cry, no matter how much I pray! No matter how much I beg for anyone to hear me and reverse time to stop him from dying, he's not coming back! So how dare you do something like this. I've gone through enough pain for one lifetime, which isn't going to be as long as I had hoped, anyway!"

"What do you mean, it's not going to be as long as you had hoped?" asked the Doctor.

"The drug I have to take to keep my tumors from growing isn't working anymore. They're getting bigger, and soon it's going to spread out from my lungs and infect my heart. I'm dying. Faster than ever before."

"Can I say something?" asked a very solemn-looking, silent-until-now Augustus.

"No" I looked away, but that didn't stop him from walking over to me.

"I'm the real thing, Hazel Grace" He said quietly.

"No you're not, because he died! He's dead and gone, and is never coming back!" I shook my head stubbornly.

"Hazel Grace, listen to me!" He raised his voice, his eyes never leaving my face. After a moment, I turned and looked at him. He did look a lot like Gus... "I am the real thing. I AM Augustus Waters."

"But. He's. Dead." I said through clenched teeth.

"Will you please let me explain what happened?" he pleaded desperately.

"You can try, but I can't guarantee that I'm going to believe you" I mumbled, looking to the ground.

"Thank you" he whispered, a small smile playing on his lips. "Do you remember when you gave me that book and I didn't call until a good week after?"

I nodded. "Yes, I remember that."

"Good" he nodded. "Well, the truth is, I wasn't contemplating An Imperial Affliction. Well, not all of the time. I was travelling with the Doctor" he gestured to the pin-stripe-suited man. "And it was the second most amazing experience I've ever had.

"Anyway, I travelled with him for a few weeks. It's a time machine" he explained, pointing to the blue phonebox. "But I'll explain that later. While I was travelling with the Doctor, we met his enemy named the Master and I helped stop one of his plans to take over humanity. Naturally, he vowed revenge on the Doctor and myself. H-He" Augustus seemed to be having a hard time getting the last line out. "He threatened to kill you if I didn't die first."

I must have looked horrified, but he continued. "So, the Doctor helped me come up with a plan. I had to fake my death. The Doctor created a disease named 'Fictus Mortem', meaning fake death. On all terrestrial scans, it would show up as cancer, or in my case, osteosarcoma.

"Fictus Mortem wouldn't actually kill you, it would just look like you were dying. Kinda like what Friar Laurence gives Juliet in Romeo and Juliet. Then he made something called a 'Flesh Clone'. A flesh clone is a clone made out of a synthetic material. However, Flesh Clones are usually very well-functioning, so he had to do some tinkering to make it a non-functioning Flesh Clone. This is what was used for the funeral and the burial, while I was with the Doctor until the effects of the Fictus Mortem wore off. As you can see, the effects are all gone and I came to find you."

I just stood there looking confused, shocked and unconvinced. "You seriously expect me to believe that? If this story you are telling me is true, how do I know you are really Augustus and not just a Flesh Clone, or whatever they are called?"

He sighed and turned to the Doctor. "Is there any way to prove it?"

The Doctor nodded. "Flesh Clones are not programmed to remember personsal secrects."

Gus's eyes lit up and he turned back to me. "See? I can prove it to you! Just ask me something only the real me would know."

I thought for a moment. "You said travelling with the Doctor was the second most amazing experience you've had. What is the first most amazing experience you've had?"

He chuckled lightly. "I would think it would be rather obvious."

When he didn't continue, I raised an eyebrow. He glanced to the Doctor before leaning in to whisper in my ear. "That night in Amsterdam."

I blushed scarlet and looked down, trying to stop the smile on my face. I looked up into his eyes as my own started brimming with tears. "It's really you."

"Yes, it's really me. And I promise I will never leave you again." He smiled back before he leant down and kissed me.

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