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credits to neosptv for the idea <3

Makoto PoV

I placed the bag on the bench, heavily sighing.

"Is that all?" I caught my breath.

Byakuya looked over the ingredients list.

"Yes, I think it is."

Thank god...

As Byakuya greased the tins with butter, I put the ingredients in the bowl.

Mixing them, Byakuya had nothing to do, so he slowly added the chocolate chips. 

We separated them evenly into the tins and placed them into the heated oven.

I started to scoop my finger along the batter and eat some, of course.

"What are you doing?" Byakuya asks.

"Uhm... eating the batter?" I looked up at him.

"Can we clean and then you can do that?" He proposed.

"But I haaate cleaning." I whined.

"I know, but with the two of us it'll be quicker."

I sighed.


I put the bowl down, and Byakuya filled the sink with boiling water, hinting that he was going to do the dishes because I hate boiling water.

I put all of the used stuff next to the sink, and I cleaned down the bench. It had specks of egg and flour in some places.

Eventually, everything had been cleaned, and of course, I got back to eating the batter.

Byakuya put a little on his finger, but instead of eating it....

That idiot smeared it on my forehead!

I got a little, wiping it on his nose and soon, a batter war broke out. Until it was all gone, of course.

"You're lucky there's basically nothing left, I would have won that." Byakuya pouts.

"Yeah, whatever! I nearly made you fall over." I giggled.

"That wasn't you..! I... I had... tripped on my foot." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I playfully teased.

I threw a tea towel at him, and he wiped his face down, then his glasses.

"Ugh. It's smearing on my lens." Byakuya sighed.

"Yeah, well, you should've thought about that before messing with me!" I smiled.

"I didn't think you'd fight back that hard." Byakuya shrugged, still cleaning his glasses.

As I started to smell the lingering scent of cookies, I looked in the oven as they were starting to rise and brown.

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