For a Month

329 7 8


TW: discussions of successful suicide.

Makoto PoV

It's been the better of a month, and no one has heard a word from Byakuya. Or so they say, I've been getting pity looks and a lot of people asking me if I'm okay with no context.

I let out a sigh, pulling my phone out for the last time.

hey baby, please reply to me i miss you so much xx :M
delivered a week ago.

byakuya, please, i can't live without you. x :M
delivered just now

As usual, there was no reply.

I give up. That's it. I'm going to his house. I'm tired of cowering away from those rich assholes.

I gather my things, leaving my house and taking the long trip over to the area of his house. He lived rich suburbs where no house looked remotely cosy or homelike. All excuses to show their riches off.

I put my hand on the pearl gate, flicking the latch and opening it with a creak. Walking up to their house, a low pounding rose from my chest.

Please be okay, Byakuya.

I knocked on the door. Whoever was behind it took a while to respond. They know who I am, so it's not like I'm a total stranger.

Unless they've forgotten about me. I'm probably too poor for them to remember -

"Oh, hello, Naegi." Byakuya's mother smiled, an envelope in her hands.

"Uhm, hey! Uh.." I clear my throat. "Is Byakuya alright?"

I peer over her shoulder. Nothing has changed. It's as depressing as ever.

"O-Oh! You... you weren't told?" Her voice shakes with a clear sign of hesitance.

"No? H-He is okay... right?"

She bows her head down, too ashamed to look at me.

My stomach dropped, the worst feeling of despair overflowing my body.

"C-Come on, this isn't funny. He's alright, he has to be!"

She sighs, "I am so sorry it's taken us so long to get this information to you."

Please. No, god, no. This isn't happening. Wake up. I need to wake up.

"Byakuya killed himself a month ago."

"N-No... t... there's no way! He... he was fine when he was with m-me I-" I shiver. "There is no fucking way he's dead! We've been dating for four whole years, and it takes me a month to find out he's dead?!"

Where my luck has gone, for fucks sake, I need it right now. My heart shined in the hope that he was going to peer around the door, and this was all going to be some stupid joke, but...

It was just Byakuya's mother... crying.


I subconsciously take my hand against my other and put them behind my back so she didn't see me harshly pinching my skin.

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