A Frightful Christmas

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Connor & Hank

Word Count: 890


Snow lightly fell around Detroit as Hank began putting the last of the Christmas decorations up. With the final string of lights wrapped around the tree, he plugged it in, watching it shine like a rainbow. He couldn't help but smile as the tree, the feeling of anger and sadness finally leaving for happiness. He glanced outside, seeing Connor, sitting outside on the back porch.

The android just stared out at the snow falling in front of him, feeling the cold flakes fall onto his 'skin'. He shivered from the cold air, pulling his jacket closer to his chest. He never noticed how thin his jacket was before he became deviant. He never felt temperature before then, he didn't feel anything really before then. Did this bother him? He didn't know, he was uncertain about it. He was glad he could feel now but he became the thing he was supposed to destroy. He helped destroy Cyberlife, the place that created him.

Connor looked to the ground, closing his eyes as he took in a deep breath he didn't need. He let the icy air flow around him as he stayed in his thoughts. Different scenarios swirled in his head as he sat in silence. He thought of his deviancy, the garden, Cyberlife, the revolution, Amanda.

"Hello Connor" Connor's eyes shot open as he heard the familiar voice in his head. He turned to look towards the house, waiting to see Hank hanging up lights or putting other decorations up. Instead he saw nothing, just the blurriness of an empty garden through the snow.

"A-amanda?" He called out, turning in a circle to try and find the voice. "Hank?" He gripped his jacket tighter as a strong breeze came in.

"Mission Report, Connor." He heard the voice once again, not being able to see the body it's connected to. The newly scared android tried to scan his surroundings, earning just a failed scan.

"Fail? How? How did it fail?" Fear ran through his voice as he tried to scan again, but nothing. His stress level began to rise from a 30% to a high 70% in a matter of minutes.

"Mission report of November 11th." Finally Connor's eyes met with an old 'friend', Amanda. He took a step back in fear and confusion as the zen garden became clearer.

"How did.. How am I here? I thought.. Isn't-" His hand traveled to his head, running a hand through his hair as he tried to think.

"Stress Level 89%" His systems announced aloud causing him to cover his ears.

"No.. no, no, no, no, no, no." He repeated over and over again, shutting his eyes tightly. He could hear his system announcing his stress level continuing to go up higher than before. "I don't want to be here.. I-i wanna go home.. I-..I don't want to go back"

"You don't know what you want, Connor. You're an android." Amanda's voice announced. "All you know is your programming."

"No I don't... I-I can make my own decisions. I'm-i'm alive" Connor opened his eyes, seeing Markus with his back turned.

"All you know is your programming, Connor." Slowly the android raised his hand to reveal a gun held tightly in his hands. "Kill him, Connor. Kill him."

"No. I won't hurt my friends" Though Connor's arm didn't go back down, it continued to rise. The gun was aimed right for Markus' head, he had no clue that he could be shot at any second.

"Stress Level 99% Self Destruct Imminent" His systems began to count down from 10 in his ears.

"I-I'm sorry, i'm so sorry, Markus.. I can't stop it.."

"It's okay, Connor, just come back to us." Suddenly Connor felt arms wrap around him, he felt safe in these arms. His eyes closed as his stress level began to go down, lowering itself bit by bit as his ventilation began to work properly again. When did it start to malfunction? It didn't matter at this point, he was safe. "You're okay, son.. I've got you" Slowly he opened his eyes, seeing Hank to his side, holding him tight in his arms.

"Hank..? What happened?"

"It doesn't matter right now.. What is your stress level?" Connor thought for a minute, leaning into the older man's hug.

"76% but it's still going down.. I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize, let's just go inside and relax, okay?" The two both stood up, shakily making their way inside. Hank helped Connor sit on the couch, making sure he was alright before beginning to walk away. "Sumo attack!" The saint bernard quickly ran to the couch, sitting on top of the deviant to give him kisses. "Good dog" The android watched as the lieutenant walked off into another room. He gave a small smile before it immediately disappeared. His eyes glanced towards the door before going to the floor. Before Connor could begin to think, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and over his head.


"Whenever Cole used to get upset or have a nightmare we would sit here on the couch, wrapped up in blankets and watch some kind of action movie for the day. Thought i'd continue that with you" Hank sat next to his android son, grabbing the remote as he pet Sumo.

"Thank you"

"Of course kid, now relax and pick out a movie"

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