Coming Out as Asexual

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I may have stole some of these lines from Detroit Evolution, watch it on Youtube, its great :)



Word count: 1034


Gavin pushed Nines against the counter, a hand on the android's waist, while the other on his cheek. He smiled before pulling the android into a kiss, holding him tight in his arms. The deviant moved his arms around his lover's neck, smiling into the kiss as well. It started off sweet and simple, just the two enjoying each other's touch. Though the longer they stood there, the more heated it became.

Nines went with it at first, not fully understanding what he was doing until Gavin tugged at a belt loop in his pants. That's when the android pulled away, the color blue dusting his cheeks.

"Ga-gavin I uh.."

"Did I go too far?" The detective asked, letting go of his lover. Awkwardness began to fill the kitchen as they stared at each other. Nines didn't know how to reply, in his opinion, yes, Gavin went too far for his liking. Though he refused to say it, worried that his lover would be upset if he did say something. "Nines-"

"I'm-i'm going to get some air." He said, dodging the question all together as he made his way to the door. The moment he closed it behind him, tears began to appear in his eyes. Nines covered his mouth, making his way up the steps to the roof. Thoughts swarming his head as he opened the roof's door, looking out at the city view.

For a moment, his mind was distracted, his LED flashing yellow as he looked out at the cityscape. The way the stars shined above all the glowing city lights, usually you wouldn't be able to see them, but with less people living in the city less light pollution was created. They sparkled bright in the sky as he stared up at them, a small smile appearing for just a split second before he remembered his dilemma.

"Gavin.." He whispered his boyfriend's name to himself, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away with an irritated huff. His mind went back to the sweet kiss in the kitchen, remembering how fast it escalated. His thoughts moved to the thought of doing something more with Gavin but he quickly became uncomfortable. Though he wasn't even given the parts to do something more, he didn't want to. He was perfectly happy with cuddling on the couch with his lover, hugging, kissing, hold hands, anything that didn't involve sex sounded perfect to him.

Was that what his lover wanted? He joked about the two doing something more to Tina all the time, but they never actually did anything. Gavin never forced him into something he didn't want on purpose, but Nines could tell that just because he hasn't didn't mean he didn't want to. Would the detective break up with him if he said he didn't want to do more?

He could already see how the conversation would go, he would tell Gavin he doesn't want to have sex. Silence would fill the room before he would be asked to leave. Quickly that idea was thrown out of his head. He knew his boyfriend loved him but would he stay with him? Making himself unhappy to never get laid again in the process?

Though he loved his idiotic human more than anything, he couldnt stand the thought of forcing his lover to stay with him and be unhappy. Did he have the strength though to move on without Gavin as his lover? He wouldn't be able to hold him, kiss him, cuddle on the couch, anything they did now to show how much they loved each other. He'd never do it again. Nines gave a full laugh of regret and sadness as tears rolled down his cheeks. He didn't bother wiping them away, letting them fall to the ground as he realized what he needed to do. He let his head fall, hanging there like a rag doll.

Behind him a door creaked open, the door to the roof. "Nines?" Gavins voice asked, breaking the silence.

"Gavin, we need to break up." Nines said aloud, refusing to turn around. His LED flashed red before going back to blue.

"What? Hold on, can't we talk about this?" The android moved to hug himself, trying to stop himself from crying. "Nines, please.."

"We just aren't working, Gavin."

"Is it about what happened in the kitchen? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I promise I wasn't trying to force you into it-" The detective moved closer to Nines, reaching out for him.

"Gavin, please stop." He turned to finally face his lover, tears continuing to roll down his cheeks. "Please.."

"Babe.. Why are you doing this?" Gavin placed his hand on the deviant's cheek, wiping his tears away.

"I don't want to force you to be with me when I don't want to do anything more.." The android turned his head away, not being able to look his lover in the eyes.

"Nines, what the hell are you talking about?"

"I don't want to have sex, Gavin! I don't have the parts for it but I don't even want to do it!" Silence filled the roof for a few seconds before Gavin gave a small laugh.

"Oh my god, you selfless prick." He put a hand on Nines cheek, making him lock eyes with him, "I don't care if you want to fuck or not, I just want to be with you! I didn't know you didn't want to have sex, why didn't you say anything?"

"I thought you'd either hate me or force yourself to stay with me and be unhappy"

"Do you think I would've dealt with all your bullshit for year just to break up with you because you don't want to have sex? Nines, I don't care. I don't need any of that. I just need you to make my life better."

"I just want to be complete for you-" He began being cut off quickly.

"You've been a whole person since the day you woke up. I'm lucky to get anywhere close to that every morning.." Nines moved his hand to hold Gavins, it turning white as he touched him.

"You're more than enough to me"

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