Nines is Gone PT2

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Word count: 997


Warnings: PTSD, kidnapping

Two days after Nines was rescued, he was able to go back home. For Gavin, it was easy to go back to how they used to be, it felt like nothing even really happened. Nines on the other hand, it was an adjustment.. He was more distant and on edge than before, jumping at certain noises that never used to scare him before. Though none of these things went unnoticed by the detective, he was a detective after all, but he never brought it up. He knew his loving boyfriend would say something when he's ready, he hoped.

Sadly Gavin's hope would disappear later that night... The two both went to be like normal, the two holding each other as they began to drift off to sleep. Smiles on their faces to finally be back home with the one they loved. The detective couldn't be happier to be sleeping with his head on the androids chest. Until the human woke up from his usual nightmares, he looked to his left, waiting to see that the whole thing was a dream. He looked for his lover who could always calm him down just by glancing at him, but he was gone?

Ideas flashed through his mind that the past week hadn't been real. Nines was still kidnapped, most likely on the verge of shutting down. Maybe he had already shut down..

Gavin shook his head, getting the terrible thoughts out of his head as he threw his legs over the bed. He quickly made his way out of the bedroom, going towards their kitchen. "Nines?-" He looked towards the balcony, seeing a figure standing outside. The detective took his gun off the table, slowly making his way towards the balcony, just in case..

He quickly threw the door open, scaring the tired android on the other side. "ga-Gavin?!" Nines yelled, leaning against the railing.

"For fuck sakes, Nines! I thought you were someone breaking in!" Gavin set his gun down on the small outside table. "What the hell are you doing out here?"

"Just getting some air.." He turned back around, facing the beautiful city. "It's a bit stuffy inside so I wanted to take a quick breath outside" The detective moved to stand next to the android, leaning against the railing.

"You okay?"

"My scans show I'm perfectly fine" Nines replied, looking out on the world.

"That doesn't answer my fuckin' question, are you okay?" Silence filled the air, Gavin's eyes glanced at his lover's LED. He watched it flash red before it went back to yellow. "Nines, talk to me"

"Ever since I became deviant I've been feeling more..human everyday. I experience new feelings I've never felt before..." The android began, hugging himself. "Since I was kidnapped all I can feel is fear... I've never had a dream before tonight and my first one was a nightmare.." He gave a sad laugh, looking at his boyfriend before wiping his tears. "I'm scared and I don't know how to stop it"

"You talk to your boyfriend about it. You tell me how you're feeling and I reassure you that everything will be okay" Gavin reached up, pushing the tears away with his thumb. "No matter what your programing says, if you're upset come talk to me.."

"Why is being deviant so hard?"

"Because now you actually care about stupid things, like people. Unless your an ass like me that only cares about my cat and my stupid android" Nines laughed before leaning forward to rest his head on his lovers shoulder, feeling arms wrap around him. "Talk to me, Nines. I want to help you"

"I had a nightmare about being kidnapped.. I woke back up in a cell, surrounded by other androids that were beginning to shut down. I thought you rescuing me was all a dream, that I had just been imagining you saved me. I started to shut down from lack of thirium.. All the cuts were bleeding so badly. I saw the countdown pop up, right when it hit ten, I saw you walk in" Gavin pulled him closer in his arms. "I never even got to say anything to you, I shut down right as you opened the cage..Then I woke up, I couldn't breathe.. I felt like I was suffocating"

"You had a panic attack? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I couldn't think, instead I just ran out of the room. My first thought was to get outside to get air. When I came out here I realized I was home. I was alive and with you...but I still feel like I'm there sometimes. Something will happen and it'll bring me back there in a way? That doesn't make any sense-" The detective rubbed his back, holding him tighter.

"It makes perfect sense, you sound like you have PTSD"

"I'm an android, I can't have PTSD" Nines said as looked up, tears in his eyes as he looked at the human.

"You also couldn't feel anything before, you're deviant now. You feel things now, things that I can help you with." Finally the tears began to fall, letting Gavin push them away. "I understand what you're going through, not exactly but I understand what it's like to have PTSD"

"What do you mean?"

"I have PTSD from a lot of things... You don't even want to get me started on it. Just know I understand you, every time I wake up from a nightmare I just look at you sleeping next to me and you remind me I'm home" The detective pressed a kiss into his android's cheek. "So let me help you when you're having a panic attack from PTSD."

"I don't even know how you would help me though"

"We could come out here and talk, go to the roof, whatever you're comfortable with"

"Thank you, Gav..." The two smiled at each other, just enjoying each other's company.

"I'll always be here to help you, Nines"

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