Dead Batteries

35 1 0


Just started dating

Word count:1092


Gavin's morning alarm rang loudly throughout his bedroom, waking the detective up with ease. He opened his eyes, waiting to see his android boyfriend laying next to him in sleep mode, but he was alone. "Nines?" He called out, his voicing being rough from just waking up.

"In the kitchen, Gavin." Nines replied, staring at the coffee pot that had finished making his lovers coffee 20 minutes ago. He felt arms wrap around his waist, Gavin's head leaning on his shoulder. "Good morning"

"Morning, tincan" The human said, kissing Nines' cheek. "Did you ever come to bed last night?" He felt the android shake his head no.

"I was looking for more information on the case, I'll rest later tonight." Gavin sighed, hiding his face in his lover's shoulder.

"And you yell at me when I don't get any fuckin' sleep, asshole."

"Well I don't sleep, asshole" The android replied, sounding like the detective when he said 'asshole'.

"That's fuckin' weird and you know it."

"That's fuckin' weird and you know it." Nines repeated, continuing to mimic him. Gavin let go of his waist, pushing his plastic boyfriend away.

"You're an ass"

"But you love me" The two faced each other leaning in for a kiss. They were inches from each other's faces, about to lock their lips when Nines suddenly stood straight up. He froze, seeing 'LOW BATTERY' flash in front of his eyes. "Ga-Gav-" He tried to call out his lover's names but his program took over.

"Shutting Down" It announced for him in a more robotic voice. He began to fall backwards, his back falling towards the counter until Gavin grabbed his waist, pulling him close again.

"Nines?! Nines!" He moved his hand to the android's cheek, making the android look up at him as they sank to the floor. "Nines, come on, answer me. Nines, please." The two sat on the floor, Nines sitting in his boyfriend's lap as he begged for him to open his eyes. "Come on, asshole! Fucking open your eyes, answer me! You plastic prick!" Tears appeared in his eyes as he put his forehead on the androids, their noses brushing past each other. "Please.. Nines... don't die on me." Gavin reached into his back pocket, pulling his phone out of his pocket, dialing the one person he knew would be able to help him.

"Hello? Reed?" Hank's voice asked through the phone.

"Ha-hank, I-I- Nines, he shut-shut down and I-i don't know why.." The younger detective's voice shook as he spoke, holding the one he loved in his arms. "He-he won't wake up and I don't-I don't know what to do.."

"He just shut down? Okay, Connor and I are on our way, he should be able to figure out whatever's going on with your boy toy"

"Please hurry, Hank.."

"We'll be there in 10 minutes" Gavin hung up, setting his phone down on the floor. He didn't care about it right now, all he cared about was his lover. His Nines.

"I need you, Nines.. Come back to me.." He ran his thumb against the android's cheek, just wanting him to open his eyes again. After a few minutes the detective picked his boyfriend up and laid him on the couch. He kneeled by the couch, running a hand through the androids light brown hair. After waiting for around 10 minutes, the front door of their apartment finally opened, revealing Hank and Connor.

"Still out cold?" The older detective asked, leaning against the kitchen counter while his son-like android made his way across the living room.

"Yeah.. His led was red before but it's yellow now so he's still alive" Gavin said as he stood up, moving out of Connors' way. He watched as the other android sat down on his knees, his led swirling yellow as he began to scan Nines.

"He's gonna be fine, Gavin. Maybe he just short circuited or something" Hank said, trying to give him some sort of comfort.

"He tried to say my fuckin' name before he shut down. He said 'Gav', he called out for me and then just collapsed. He's shut down on me before yeah but not like this." The young detective hugged himself as he watched Connor do whatever he needed to do.

"Has Nines been going into rest mode at all recently?" The other android asked, standing up to face the other two.

"No, he's been trying to work on the case as much as he can. Why?" Gavin replied.

"He shut down because his batteries were dead. Right now he's recharging to at least get his batteries halfway I assume. He should be fine and wake up soon." The brunette detective let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. "He should be up in an hour and 4 minutes, if he is not he will be awake by 9:53am tomorrow."

"Alright, thanks Connor." He gave a small smile, looking at his idiot boyfriend. "Really, thank you." After one final scan of Nines, Hank and Connor left, leaving the two alone once again. They both were still sitting on the couch, the unconscious android sitting in his lover's lap. His head was against Gavin's shoulder, resting comfortably in his touch. "Fuckin' stupid android." He mumbled, looking down at Nines.

His hand moved back towards his lover's face, his thumb tracing the yellow led before going back down to his cheek. He couldn't help but smile at his handsome android, no wonder these two fell in love. Gavin stared at his lover for what seemed like hours but was really minutes until he noticed Nines' led. The color that had originally been swirling yellow as he slept turned to blue, watching his eyes quickly open. "Battery 50%" His system announced aloud with its more robotic voice.

"Nines?" Gavin asked, keeping his hand on his lover's cheek.

"Good morning, Gavin" The deviant chuckled, leaning more into the detective's touch.

"You are a fuckin' asshole!" The human yelled, pulling Nines into a tight hug, tears appearing in his eyes like before. "I thought you were fuckin' dead! I thought I lost you!" The androids' arms wrapped around Gavin, hugging him back.

"I was trying to tell you but I shut down right away. I'm sorry, Gav"

"Never fuckin' do that again. You need to rest too even if you're a stupid android."

"Only when you start getting full nights of sleep too" Nines quickly kissed his lover on the cheek.


"Then I guess we'll be passing out together"

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